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CraZy VaMoS222

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Everything posted by CraZy VaMoS222

  1. Real Bad that is it .
  2. Another bad isp that gives out bad internet
  3. NO posts in a month wow Should be removed
  4. Thanks but if i had choice i would go dsl .Thank god Bellsouth is upgrading and i can ditch the cable.
  5. What exactly is thta a program or What ?
  6. Ya to connect from one comp to another and see their screen. Use the remote desktop across internet.
  7. yup
  8. I have already preordered 2 of them and looking forward to using the new features that it has to offer and the insane graphics. :D
  9. I'm not really sure what to do. I have it set up but does it only work with dial up cuz everytime it is trying to dial in or sumtin. If anyone could help that would be great.
  10. So are you allowed to use the full bandwidth or is the whole village sharing a 100 mbit connection. Is there any caps to how much you can use.
  11. What speeds do Vdsl reach up to? And what are the speeds and prices to .
  12. How much do you think your school is paying and what package are they on to.
  13. I heard that Bellsouth is bad comparing to lets say Covad or Speakeasy. I switrched from the 1.5/256 Bs to 1.1/1.1 1 years ago and i'm luvin it.
  14. Yes I was just looking at your posts and I run a server on Cs Source and one on Enemy Territory.I use my sdsl line from covad. THe ET server holds 16 and the Cs is up for 20. I got 1.1/1.1 from covad and a server at my house as well.
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