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TraNsEdgE 01

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Everything posted by TraNsEdgE 01

  1. Do you have a firewall on or what ,also RR lowest package is 5 mbps down , but your 7 meg is nice for that cap.
  2. That wont happen, is the package 5/1.5 or 5/2 cuz that seems really low for a 2 mbps cap up and not many people have that line. Post a trace route to testmy.net.
  3. if it is the same then show us your upload speed.
  4. That is Fios , but it is used by SBC. Thats it and that is still way under cap!
  5. Get a bigger file cmon , your line is still bursting at thta speed kid go here and do the 64 mb file ftp:ftp1.optonline.com
  6. Well then that is a waste of money , do a screenshot of something that you are downloading, no way you get those low of speeds unless you are at the farthest distance from the C.o to get that package
  7. The server you are dling off of also has to have ample amount of bandwidth to support you 1.5 mb/s , which isn't 15 mbps down and some ftp's have a limit on the speed they will let you download off them.
  8. Dude you are loosing 1000 down and 200 up, that isnt very good lol.
  9. Now that i'm thinking about it, what is going to happen when people start getting these new connections, Testmy.net definetely will not be able to handle 20 people simultaineously , aren't the servers only at most 1 gb connection with many others also using the line?
  10. wAit it has always been that slow or you been hitting around cap before this? If this is as fast as it usually goes then i would call them and get my money back for the yr, that is down right insultingto give those speeds out and never tell you anything is wrong with that. Verizon DSL :biggun: :biggun: :biggun:
  11. And you couldn;t do anyhting with it anyways , imagine a city trtying to give everyone that much up and down, i don't think anybody would even come within 20 mbps of there cap during the day and they would definetely block ports on it to.
  12. What do you mean the opposite, he has extremely good dl speeds on his cap and his upload could be alot better he is missing 150 Kbps up. So i guess all the people with 1.1 sdsl there connection is slow to, ui dont think so .
  13. Wait tbaker397 your telling me that on a 1meg cap 1034 isn't good. kid that is over cap, what are you saying, it is kinda SLOW ???//
  14. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 411 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 50 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Tue Nov 08 2005 17:52:37 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 7X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 20.48 sec Diagnosis: 90% + Okay : running at 100 % of your hosts average (158.173) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-Y0Q2PSX57 Disgusting speeds
  15. Ya that is pretty bad. are you on the 6/768 cuz those are really bad then. Best bet go with Cable or a lower package from SBC
  16. No way everyone will be able to get 50/50 and have a cap limit over 40 gb a month. it isn't going to be worth it and you probably still will start with a hosting cap on your line lol.
  17. lol. nice speeds with fios :D :D
  18. Try restarting your modem and clearing all the cached files on your browser
  19. Where did it go, is it not supported here anymore?
  20. for the last time , take a screen shot of you downloading something at 50 % , and what package are you on cause if you on 8/512 that is sad ALSO DO A LARGER TEST LOL http://www.testmy.net/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=12160&st=st&ta=&top=
  21. Can you give some more details, lets see a speed test and go from there
  22. it isnt even 2 nic's , this guy just wants to be funny and wish he had 7 Mbps , cuz he is tired of dial up lol :haha: :haha:j/k
  23. Ya that is good download, but man that upload is real bad
  24. Do a file download and see if your transfer matches 850 kb/s
  25. actuallly it is the 6/384 package , they got rid of 6/768 like 3 months ago!!
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