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TraNsEdgE 01

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Everything posted by TraNsEdgE 01

  1. Team i2d, it sohuld be at the top of list
  2. lol , you should get on aim i wanna show you my speed test..
  3. what do you mean?
  4. idk i only host Et , never Ut. go downlaod Et and i will make it there.
  5. It won't work , the server is supposed to be dedicated or should it be listen?
  6. lol i don't care you wont get in again kid.
  7. aight
  8. Ok it is up , the ip is same settings and everything Dm server
  9. lol , aight i will try the other connection , i didn't relize wat it was on.
  10. Dm
  11. yes it is called Team i2d Server and in asbestos
  12. Yup but line still has good pings
  13. So can you join yet?>
  14. Transedge isn't in my area, we have bellsouth and comcast. And idsl is from anybody and that 192 kbps isn't a idsl line...
  15. What do you mean , i got it for 90$ a month and they want 109.95, i got good deal i guess ...
  16. Run the server on your oc line man, cmon i wanna c the Speed of a gig connection. What else should i do for the server , it is a dedicated server and on like port 7777
  17. What do you think is wrong with it?
  18. i dont have firewall activated. Your server is pinging 150 and im in Georgia , i say that is real bad for an OC, like Horrible.
  19. What company is that , cuz their is probably a cap on the transfer each month that is allowed, post the site address, i wanna check it out. Because that is no t1 line right there.
  20. well that doesn't show your speeds and it is a waste of money to.
  21. It is rock solid and i have good speeds off of it all the time. 16 kb/s all the time and my friends say it is good as well and have downloaded 100mb movie off of it already.
  22. Dlewis where is your server located , in your house or at what location , (State)
  23. It is such a fake trasfer rate, i have 48 kb/s transfer and it gave me 28 kb/s to my other computer on cable line. Why show the speed if it isn't even right? Anyone else had these problems?
  24. Ok here is the ip ut2004:// llke Dlewis said jus type in add ip in your favorites and join. ENjoy
  25. aight , mine wont lag tho, but w/e
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