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Posts posted by water

  1. Couple corrections:

    They never solicit the perv's. The volunteers from Perverted Justice actually just sit there in chat rooms and wait for the sicko's to contact them.

    There have been four televised so far but I'm told there is another one just done and being edited.

    www.perverted-justice.com has been doing this for years, and they are nearing 100 busts. Most of them not televised, just people volunteering to help out and get Law Enforcement involved.


  2. Luckly for us  in the UK , and thanks to the Norman invasion, 1066 ,we have good History records of our past , maybe not a good record of deeds done ,  :evil2:, but it is written ,

    P.S. the movies I have seen  :lol:  Bambi (Walt Disney ) easy rider , midnight cowboy ,  :roll: so I guess that makes me a movie buff  :shock::roll::haha:

    IMHO life is for living, not watching others acting it , :wink2:

    That's not what you said when I showed you that movie with me and ...


    ... I said that outloud didn't I?


  3. ya im sure alot of it was exagurated as with other movies that claim to be based on a true story. Some are almost exact to the real thing but most of the time no one will know but the people who experienced the actual thing :smile2:

    You're right, there is a ton of material about it though - when I saw the movie for the first time, I started researching because I was taken with it.


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