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i2d | ScruFFy |

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Everything posted by i2d | ScruFFy |

  1. Ya , ok , your connections is shared , remember that and you cant host on that line anyways. Post a tracert and lets see the unconsistency of cable.
  2. Umm your cable connection isnt sh*t compared to a t1. lol Try hosting on that and see if you dont get capped . It is a shared connection with alot of people and a T1 is shared with no one besides yourself.
  3. I am running 5 servers and just decided to cut the pings down on all of them , since alot of players were connecting with 180+ pings and i was in there and had over 110 to a connection in my house. So does it use less bandwidth to host players with lower pings than players with higher pings?
  4. ive seen only like 2 tests with transedge besides me ..... To much cable there days
  5. How can no one else here have speakeasy? or coVad . lol
  6. ill try it.
  7. they can be the same , what are you trying to imply.... Wireless if setup right and has minimal things that it goes through can achieve the same speeds as a wired connection.
  8. you are not guarentted speed loss . Where the heck did you come up with that conclusion lol.?
  9. Considering that is what i posted , lol. Wtf you talking about?
  10. Speakeasy Download Speed: 6206 Kbps (775.8 kB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 713 Kbps (89.1 kB/sec transfer rate) 713 / 8 = 89.125 kB/s exactly , huh now why would Speakeasy , Dslreports and all the other speedtest out there lie? O ya , cuz this one is wrong on the site and is a good thing it isnt up to Lie any more!!! Dslreports.com 2006-01-01 01:59:06 EST: 8001 / 711 Your download speed : 8001 Kbps or 1000.1 kB/sec. Testmy.net :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 732 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 89 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sun Jan 01 2006 02:00:35 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 11.51 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 106.2 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-H7IR46UE2 So , huh , if 713 - 89 kb/s , then how does this equal 89 kb/s and it is 732 kbps instead of 713 kbps? Your upload speed : 711 Kbps or 88.8 kB/sec.
  11. yup , cuz i know dis sites converter is wrong.
  12. lol , exactly why every other site is wrong i guess , my bad not. That is the wrong conversions and it shouldn't be on the site. I have done countless speedtests and downloading and uploading and that is not the right conversions on the site. My facts are straight.
  13. for one , 768 is not equal to 93 kb/s , it is 96 kb/s and a T1 isn't 188.5 kb/s it is 193 kb/s so therefore it is wrong and shouldn't be on the site anyways.
  14. the converter is wrong any ways
  15. For What , open connections or give some examples of usage in linuX.
  16. lol , why would you do that , what will you use them for . You wont use more than 20 at a time
  17. Pretty good speeds EEbobb.
  18. Bellsouth Sdsl 384/384 Bellsouth Adsl 3000/384 ..... Where is the Upgrade lol Comcast 8000/768 Transedge Idsl 128/128 Lots of speed , but wish i had 100/100 lol. Vanburen , do you do any game hosting or webhosting on that sick Connection>?
  19. lol , cablenut doesn't do anything for you and hosting. All cablenut is to look good on spedtests , lol what a waste of a program,
  20. Post a screenshot of your $500 video card and your 2 300 gb hardrives on your sys specs. I dont believe you for a second.lol
  21. He has nothing better to post on cuz he knows nothing.
  22. Who the heck are you lol, i dont even know you kid.
  23. lol , think what you want.
  24. Yes they are my stats , what are you talking about ? ^^^^^^^^^^
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