awww, thanks
I try to reply on as much as I can... I just want people to feel welcome. I would like to thank all who contribute to the forum, because I wouldn't be able to do it all on my own anymore, especially with all the new stuff I have been coding
Glad you guys enjoy the site, all I ask is that you tell your friends and keep visiting yourself... the more popular the site gets, the more involved I get - and the more involved I get the more new shit I write for the site.
By the way, I do have a whole new site on the drawing board... it should hopefully blow the competition out of the water in it's market --- and all signed up members at will be invited for beta testing upon release and when the site is converted later on to a pay service (which will still carry fees 1/2 that of even the cheapest competition) beta testers will continue to have a free account for life, I hope to finish this project in the next few months... but may be delayed... I anticipate 100,000+ members in the first six months ~ but who knows... it could flop... Hopefully you guys support me on this, just watch your email for more news on this