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  1. CA3LE's post in Metior app issue on Android 15? No upload speed reported was marked as the answer   
    Maybe contact that developer.
    Easier to just use TestMy.net instead.  Try the beta under My Settings.
  2. CA3LE's post in Rate limit hit pop-up was marked as the answer   
    You'll get this error if you run too many tests too quickly.  It should be there... but not unless you hit the test more than you did.
    It shouldn't happen on your first re-test like that.  I was seeing it too, when combined test was used and re-test was quickly done.  I made an adjustment and it now passes properly under that scenario.
    Thanks for the heads up.  
  3. CA3LE's post in Sorry, are you accepting any kind of donations ? was marked as the answer   
    Well, I tried.  It's been over 11 days when it says it's supposed to take 5.  Paypal hates me for some reason.  Oh well.
    I've been using Donorbox since this topic was posted in 2019.  I like them or I wouldn't be using them.  People have had reoccurring donations to TestMy.net with them for years on end and not a single complaint.  They do exactly what they say they do.  Like placing an order with any other trusted online merchant. 
    My truly preferred donation method is Bitcoin (BTC)
    Here's a fresh address.
    And actually you can do that with Paypal now.
    Buy some Bitcoin on Paypal and send it to the address above.
    Here's the instructions from Paypal themselves https://www.paypal.com/us/cshelp/article/how-do-i-transfer-my-crypto-help822
    I recommend picking some up for yourself too.     -- Make sure you take self custody!  Not your keys, not your crypto.  Holding BTC on a centralized entity defeats the original purpose, you don't truly own it until you take custody.
    Everything devalues vs Bitcoin over time.  It's the most beautiful computer program ever written.  The first truly limited supply asset in human history.  Think about it.
    I knew about it back when it hit parity with the dollar (worth $1) but didn't start investing until 2015 when I took time to start to deeply understand it.  I wish I had understood it sooner.  I've been with it for every halving, bull and bear market since.  Once you understand how it's programmed to do certain things and realize that it's the greatest computer system on Earth price before mass adoption is irrelevant.  Dollars are irrelevant once everything is priced in BTC.
    If you donate to my BTC address it will never be converted into fiat.  Ever.  I'll keep it in my family forever.  Dollars, not so much.  See Gresham's Law "Bad money drives out good" -- people will continue to use their dollars.  People will horde their Bitcoin.
    Take the Orange Pill - Bitcoin meme.mp4  
  4. CA3LE's post in Latency in the server in Nairobi, Kenya - Africa was marked as the answer   
    I'll correct that, I didn't update the old My RT program with that mirror's information yet.  Thanks for catching that.
    That mirror is slightly different than the rest, not built into My Latency by default... unless you select that mirror, then you'll see the option.  It was donated by WaveX ISP in Kenya, I own all of the other servers.  Donated, but it's a full TMN server I maintain... first one.  -- it also doesn't appear in the legacy multithread test right now.
  5. CA3LE's post in Jose Fernandes - Latency to Europe and Africa with Love. was marked as the answer   
    You live in a very interesting location in the world.
    When you search for the "western most part of Europe" in Google you find Cabo da Roca.  But that's totally not true.
    This rock, just off your island is the real western most part of Europe.

    That rock, from what I can see... is the end of Europe.

    Google Maps The Westernmost Point of Europe
    I feel like you're getting extremely good speeds to that remote location. 
  6. CA3LE's post in Profile error was marked as the answer   
    Quotes from private messages
  7. CA3LE's post in Are you human? challenge question was marked as the answer   
    Sorry for the inconvenience. 
    I made a change to the code that should prevent that from happening again.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.
    Happy Testing!
  8. CA3LE's post in Is Multithread OFF for the Beta testing? was marked as the answer   
    Yes and no... for right now.
    For download it's enabled by default for upload it only works with multithread... until I push my next update. 
    You may have already read this topic on it.  I got it fully working just last night.
    As soon as the linear upload test is available in the beta, it will be the default option.  When you toggle the multithread option it will affect both upload and download tests.
  9. CA3LE's post in ISP Test Log Average Enhancements was marked as the answer   
    As always, thank you for your excellent suggestion.
    My plan is to basically duplicate what they do over at PassMark's site cpubenchmark.net

    Definitely won't be easy.  But comparison like that is extremely helpful.
    Side note: pretty sure I'm going with the Ryzen 7900X on the new database server.  Currently running Dual E5-2667 v4.  The 7900X hits where I need it most (single thread) and a single CPU will blow the doors off what I'm running right now.  ... couple that with Ryzen's ECC memory support and then they say that the AM5 socket will be the platform until 2027 so upgrade options for many years. -- when you run a mysql database query, that's a single thread operation.  Excited to get it built and compare performance.
    So imagine that comparison but with internet benchmarks.  Easy to understand and easy to use.
  10. CA3LE's post in Confused about average results - how about a histogram? was marked as the answer   
    The stats that show under hoststats are taken over longer periods and have more results considered.
    The stats that show under the ISP ranking tab are done in the background every 15 minutes and only consider the most recent results.
    My next major hoststats update will use the same numbers for everything.  Using the overall average shown on the current hoststats pages.
    I think a histogram is an excellent idea, I'll be working on that.
    With less than 300 results each, it's hard to compare.  The dataset on those providers is very small.  If you click the "Log" button on the hoststats pages you can see the number of results.  iWay looks better... but Init7 has a slightly larger sample.
  11. CA3LE's post in unable to run the test: [domain] does not have a required resource in the document root. [404] was marked as the answer   
    Hi Z!
    What it's actually looking for by default is the presence of favicon.ico.  Your website doesn't have that in the document root.
    Just now I made it work the way that you were expecting.  If favicon.ico isn't found it then checks for /b/img/blank.png. 
    blank.png is preferred.
    Hope this helps.
    Here's my result https://testmy.net/latency?tID=g5uvfbbcq3

  12. CA3LE's post in Downloading general test results was marked as the answer   
    First, All of the the database results are from TestMy.net only.
    There are also several ways you can programmatically extract the averages.
    I'll use Comcast as an example but this works for locations as well.
    Basic json of what you see rendered on Comcast's hoststats page
    CSV output to file
    CSV output rendered in page
    You can also specify how far back and output the averages
    Note for the output, I use pipes (e.g. " | ") as a separator.  Below I'm adding line breaks to make it easier to read. 
    "April 2022","May 2022","June 2022","July 2022","August 2022","September 2022","October 2022","November 2022","December 2022","January 2023","February 2023","March 2023","April 2023","May 2023","June 2023","July 2023","August 2023","September 2023","October 2023","November 2023","December 2023","January 2024","February 2024","March 2024" |219.5,192.5,190.6,156.1,157,210.8,165.5,224,215.5,215.5,209.6,168.4,206.6,203.6,220.9,270.5,272.4,218.3,244.9,240.8,299.5,249.9,312.7,190.5 |9.9,17.4,15.2,16,14.6,17.7,37.1,16.5,13.6,15.6,17.7,17.1,18.6,14.2,21.3,22.1,22.9,24.2,27.8,34.1,28.1,25.7,26.7,22.9 |'NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL',95,92,89,92,123,107,91,114,104,75,119,81,127,79,78,106,82,76,97,89,95,194,71,61  
    Translates to...
    Date Field |Download |Upload |Latency  
    You can make a simple program to CURL and parse that output, explode and then make arrays out of the data.  Make sure you set a reasonable limit to how often you query or it will be seen as a threat.
    And please share with others where you're getting your data.  TMN is 100% word of mouth.   
  13. CA3LE's post in 1 minute interval for auto testing? was marked as the answer   
    @jpknuuti -- I like that use case.  You now have special access to 1 auto minute testing.  Please let me know if this helps!
    As long as you're signed in this will work.
  14. CA3LE's post in How to separate results via router? was marked as the answer   
    If you go to My Settings you can add an identifier. 

    Select something like "Location 1" when you're connected to router #1... then "Location 2" for the second.  You can then filter your results by identifier under My Results.
    Let me know if this helps.
  15. CA3LE's post in Speedtest Leaderboards for Members was marked as the answer   
    Hi xCon, welcome!
    You weren't ranking before because you need to have recent upload and download test results.  Once you logged that upload result you were on the leaderboard within 15 minute.  
    Just be fast and test both upload and download and you'll hit the Fastest Members list.
  16. CA3LE's post in test speed error was marked as the answer   
    When you ping or trace testmy.net it goes to cloudflare CDN.  Target servers directly by location.  For you Dallas is the closest.
  17. CA3LE's post in Project-Based Result Aggregation was marked as the answer   
    This is now available for all beta testers.
    Look for "My Projects" under DB in the main menu (outside of the forum).
  18. CA3LE's post in I Think Blocks should be Larger was marked as the answer   
    Click [Customize] then select 500 MB max. 
    I may change the default after we get going.
  19. CA3LE's post in Multithreaded test intermittently running linear tests was marked as the answer   
    I see what you're saying.  I guess there was a dual issue.  When I hit retest on the auto test each time it flopped back and forth -- linear, multi, linear, multi -- give it a try again, should be resolved.   ... that is, unless there's a third way I messed it up.
  20. CA3LE's post in How is download speed calculated? was marked as the answer   
    TiP measurements are times taken while the test is running.  So the 10% TiP for instance you're measuring the time from start to 10%.
    Example from your results ::

    So, at 10% you downloaded 20 MB and you did it in 7.32 seconds so your speed is 23.96 Mbps.  They are sub-times but in the end those times do not affect the overall result, they're a reference and aid to help you understand how the test data flowed.
  21. CA3LE's post in Huge download test result hiccup was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for reporting this, you've given great information that I can use to make the test better.  I'll try to break it the same way in development and work to make it throw an error instead of calculating a result in that instance.
    The result has been removed from the database, so your stats look clean again.  
    Thank yo so much for the support.
  22. CA3LE's post in Combined speed test shows wrong time zone was marked as the answer   
    You posted it alright, I was able to see the issue it just disappeared right away because it only took a second to fix.
    Now I see the same thing in EBrown's sig.

    ... except this time it was missing that update all together.  Updated.
  23. CA3LE's post in Default Graphed Results. was marked as the answer   
    Here's how it works.  You modify your query to show the way you want... then click "Share This Query" under the graph.  The resulting link will display the page to others the way you see it.
    Here's what I get when I do max results.

    https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&l=100&q=dpitman You only have 86 results right now so max results are 100.  As you test more the link above will only show the first 100.  Change 100 to 1000 and you can extend that.
    Hope this helps
  24. CA3LE's post in 96KB test shown as 96MB in results was marked as the answer   
    Hi editorsean!  Thank you for pointing that out.  What you're seeing is a long standing quirk... a bug but it's funny why it's there.
    The original design of the database was not well thought out.  Instead of doing it over an accepting that I did it wrong the first time I instead wrote around the issues.  One of the issues was that the field for test size was originally stored in kB... but the saved information was only allowed to be 5 characters long.  So to express anything over 99,999 kB was impossible.  Altering the massive database was not an option at the time, it would have required too much downtime.  I also didn't want anyone to lose their results.  So I started storing by MB in some instances and by kB in others.  So 200 MB will save as "200" -- 400 kB saves as "400" 50 MB is saved as "51200".  The newer databases are correctly storing the data by kB but they're largely behind the scenes right now.  Eventually it won't have to store in tricky ways.  ...When the TMN database (mySQL driven) was first started I had absolutely no knowledge of databasing... I'm sure I still do it the wrong way but it's working on a large scale and takes little resources so I can't complain.  Keep learning and keep improving.  
  25. CA3LE's post in Has Russia changed its flag? was marked as the answer   
    That's to tell you the server you're testing against.  You're in Russia and the test server is in Great Britain.
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