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About deoxyna
- Birthday 01/01/1
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i really dont know it this one works on every pc but what i normally do is use as my static ip and subnet mask of i'll leave the default gateway field. if this one doesnt work, try using one of the methods discussed in the forum. intrepid is just around the corner...
Finally got my PLDT ADSL connection and I must say I'm very happy with it. Likewise, I'm a previous Sm***bro subscriber for over two years. At last I got rid of my internet connection headache, now I can download at 100+ k/s and at the same time seed the torrent, plus a lot of things I can't do before with that smart connection. My Ubuntu box is very much happy indeed...Cheers
dont worry man, you'll get into it sooner or later. you should get a network connection icon in your panel (taskbar in windows) you can right-click on it and change your configuration. This command shows information about hardware: sudo lshw (that's small L). Notice the configuration line. This area will tell you if there is a driver loaded for your device. If you do not see a driver listed here then there is not one loaded and assigned to the device and it will not show up in iwconfig output or the nework-admin gui. hope this will help you.
you don't really need special procedures to use your Smart Bro connection in Ubuntu. It's probably the most 'plug-n-play compliant' OS I've used. if you dont have a problem with your LAN card, you should be able to connect easily, even withthe live CD. if you are on a router, try connecting by automatic configuration abd if it doesn;t work, manual configuration is the only way to go. lately i've noticed that the portals' authentication is not responding to the client's request. i believe Smart's '"experts" haven't anything yet to fix that bug. btw, any errors you get from ubuntu? last time i had that same problem with feisty 7.04, it doesnt keep the network configuration, so i have to switched from automatic to manual settings, as mentioned above, then back again to auto. I never had that problem with gutsy 7.10. and plug your network cable before powering up your linux box.
i understand that's how bittorrent p2p works, but i've noticed my upload speed alswyas stays at 0, wonder why?
using utorrent (on Windowss), ktorrent (which is bundled with Kubuntu) and havent' had any problem with downloads. i didnt even have to setup any parameters. from what i know, I think the only drawback with Smart is you wont be able to seed because you dont have a port open directly, but you can leech anytime. donwloads sometimes can be very slow when many users belonging to your BTS are also downloading. Except for ebooks, i stopped downloading videos, softwares, etc. from torrents. i suggest you visit your nearest video CD outlets. i'm sure the title you want is available. I even asked almost everyone belonging to my base station to refrain downloading torrents so we can all have a better internet experience.
@kenth from what i know, port forwarding don't work with Smart Bro 'cos we're just sharing IP address. that's why all Smart Bro subscribers have anI IP address that starts with 192.168, read a few post about port forwarding on Smart Bro in this forum somewhere, but i didnt get the chance to try it. sorry.if this wouldnt help you much. why would you want to port forward if i may ask?
Windows doesn't reallly sux IMHO, 'coz it works for others. OS preference really is an individual thing, depending on your needs and working habits. I'm running on Gnu / Linux (Kubuntu) and i'm happy with it. Please stop promoting this Gnu/Linux Vs Windows hate thing. Yes, technically Gnu/Linux is better than Windows yet I believe most of us pc users, if not all, started with DOS/Windows in our early days. Gnu/Linux and Windows do not hate each other. And if you are gamer, Gnu/Linux just wouldn't work for you. For serious users, I still would recommend that you try Gnu/Linux OS. For the not so tech-savvy, check out Ubuntu's LIve CD, you dont have to install it in your hard disk to have a feel of it. Peace. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 582 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 512 kB) Download Speed is:: 71 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2008/04/22 - 5:17pm Bottom Line:: 10X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 14.42 sec Tested from a 512 kB file and took 7.206 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 40.24 % faster than the average for host (smartbro.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-CRZWJ4NI6 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9b2) Gecko/2007121016 Firefox/3.0b2 [!]
whoa, this is something serious guys! Imagine an email phisher getting all the emails of smartbro subscribers. something must be done about this!
I believe Smart supports any Linux distro. I'm running on Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon and didn't have any problem with it. You're right, Smart's installer do not know anything about Linux so I have to let them install the connection through a Windoze pc. There's nothiing complicated setting up with Ubuntu, it's a plug and play thing, even easier than the other OS. II suggest you install router if you want to connect another computer besides your laptop. it's very annoying that you always be redirected to the smart portal everytime you change pcs. Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy will be out in 2 days. This is the LTS (long term support) version so I'm planning to upgrade as soon as I receive the free CD i pre-ordered. Visit http://shipit.ubuntu.com for a free CD. here's my speedtest (i believe Gnu/Linux OS is optimized for the internet, no tweaking required)
i agree with polter. this is the problem with ms win os. too many hidden functions. don't want to spoil the fun of tweaking windoze, IMHO it's such a waste of time trying to figure out if one hidden function works or not. unlike with Linux, everything is laid out and everybody's welcome to suggestions. this is from ms help article, hope this clears up the myth: Clarification about the use of QoS in end computers that are running Windows XP As in Windows 2000, programs can take advantage of QoS through the QoS APIs in Windows XP. One hundred percent of the network bandwidth is available to be shared by all programs unless a program specifically requests priority bandwidth. This "reserved" bandwidth is still available to other programs unless the requesting program is sending data. By default, programs can reserve up to an aggregate bandwidth of 20 percent of the underlying link speed on each interface on an end computer. If the program that reserved the bandwidth is not sending sufficient data to use it, the unused part of the reserved bandwidth is available for other data flows on the same host. For more information about the QoS Packet Scheduler, see Windows XP Help. Additional information about Windows 2000 QoS is available in the Windows 2000 technical library. Correction of some incorrect claims about Windows XP QoS support There have been claims in various published technical articles and newsgroup postings that Windows XP always reserves 20 percent of the available bandwidth for QoS. These claims are incorrect. The information in the "Clarification about QoS in end computers that are Running Windows XP" section correctly describes the behavior of Windows XP systems.
recently upgrade mine to 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon (RC). wiith compiz fusion built-in with it, who cares about os x and aero of vista. who needs windoze when you have the door wide open. support the FOSS. peace and have fun.
just started using it last July after receiving the free CD from Canonical. Actually running it in an 866 MHz Pentium III (Coppermine), 512 MB RAM, 20 GB hdd, and it's running perfectly ever since. gutsy is just 10 days to go and im very much excited about it. goodbye windows xp (except for Silkroad online, till i get get a better cpu hehe). and for those who are interested, you can request for free cd from https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ peace and have fun
We are happy to announce that we now have our own little corner in Ubuntuforums! Presenting the Philippine Team subforum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=303 In a few days, we will be able to reach this through http://ph.ubuntuforums.org Have Fun!
@coolbuster2007 so you have access to your neighbors's pcs???