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About j-vall

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. i`ve used the dual boot betwen ubuntu and winxp for 6 months. the boot u should use is gnu root loader "something like that" which u can find in ubuntu cd. after u install the ubuntu while u also already have the winxp installed. the ubuntu setup `ll ask if u want to install the "gnu root loader" or not. from what i`ve learn. using the ubuntu root loader can make user to choice which os they want to load while booting. but if they don`t make any choose, the "gnu root loader" will automatically load the ubuntu. There alot that i have to learn. i`m sorry coz my english is very very bad if i`m wrong in explaining, i`m sorry too
  2. Prasanthlt... those accounts already expired >>> says its only good through July 6th, thats not that long
  3. diran haris... i`m impressed too btw i`m working at telekom.. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 1235 Kbps about 1.24 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Download Speed is:: 151 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/07/17 - 2:19am Bottom Line:: 22X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 6.78 sec Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 9.921 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 87.28 % of your hosts average (153.249) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-PRIL8Z5SC User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/ [!]
  4. Did Microsoft uses professional software???
  5. too late.. i miss the product key
  6. guys, i`ve download it. but still i don`t know here to get the key.. anyone can help me plsss.
  7. try update the driver Correct me if i`m mistake
  8. have you try read the *STICKY* first?
  9. clean up the socket processor. maybe u got some dust there ) ... well the beep is sounds like it refer to motherboard. )
  10. maybe you should go to wikipedia to learn more
  11. i`m just want 2 or 3 id only .... thanks tommie
  12. wow.. daycheck. could u send some of the accounts to me
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