A member is _sure_ that D'way is faster...
Well, my tests _are_ ridiculous:
:::..Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 57 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)
Download Speed is:: 7 kB/s
:::.. Upload Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 51 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)
Upload Speed is:: 6 kB/s
But, there's alot more to it than the tests... it must have something to do with
how fast the back and forth conversations between my system and whatever
server it's talking to goes
Now, with a grand total of one day with ISDN, here's an update of how it's
compared with my 6000's speed over the past three months...
Accessing my email off the server with Mailwasher Pro, bouncing and
deleting spam off the server is at least 10X faster with ISDN.
Downloading legitimate mail via Outlook Express is about 3X faster.
Dealing with https pages is probably 1.5X faster.
Refreshing a normal web-page is about .75X (slower)
Connecting to the business system (not VPN) that was the whole purpose
behing trying D'way is easily 10X faster.
Basically, I'm amazed! After all the time spent lurking this forum, doing the
few tweaks available to 6000 owners, the countless hours with D'way level 2,
the two service calls after installation to try to speed things up, being granted
two extensions on the *30 day window*, etc., and now to get better speeds for
_my needs_ with a $5.00 ebay ISDN modem (3ComImpactIQ) and $24.95/mo.
with a local ISP.
Anyway, we'll have DSL in about 6 months, I posted yesterday for the benefit,
I hoped, of folks who need speed for anything but massive web-based
downloading, like remote office work, or other two way speed needs.
Take care, Karl