The eBay ones idnt come with instructions.....only thing that was kind of wierd was that when installing drivers...there were folders for "Win9x", "WinNT" and one more but I didnt see a "WinXP" so what im thinkin is that driver doesnt work for WinXP
Oh yea, also....I knew it would suffer...but I think my connection is suffering more than it should by being on the router n sharing bandwith....I had a 4.5Mbps connection and it has gone down to less than 1Mbps after the router....
Thans for the welcome. And yes the ip address is associated, my IP address is and the non working PC is
Edit: And how do I make sure about that port 80 thing?
Im having problems installing this wireless network in my house. I have one PC running wirelessly out of 4......the 5th(mine) is wired on router...ok well...the router is a Belkin F5D7230-4 and the one PC running wirelessly has a Belkin antenna....the others have a cheap eBay antenna....I told my family not to but they wanted to go the cheaper route....well its a bi&%$....I get a connection but only 11.0Mbps which is okay but when i click on IE it doesnt even log on to any site.....I chec ipconfig on CMD and i get an ip address but i cant connect....Im stumped...