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Everything posted by RXDriv3r
I like....goodjob CA3LE
Congratz DLewis...Hope you have a wonderful marriage
Floppy Disks? Whats this nonsense? Pssh...Ancient Technology.........Lol...1.4MB...lol...there are pictures bigger than that these days...
Woah...let me get this....Vista is around 30 Gigs?
How many Ghz is that?
Thank you Cholla....tried that with no luck...did the same...didnt run at all..
Thanks Dlewis....thats also a good CPU and for a better price than the 754...only thing that sucks is that i dont get the discount for the motherboard but whutever...also...this question is for my PC....Im running an ECS K7S5A Pro on my PC...and Im running the max supported Ram which is 1GB for it...but I have a 1.1Ghz processor on it...I cant find anywhere whats the max I can go to...all I could find is that it supports AMD Athlon XP (Throughbred up to XP2600+) AMD Athlon (including Thunderbird) AMD Duron (including Morgan) But Doesnt say up to what speed....do you know where i can find that info? Also out of all those....Whats the fastest for the lowest amount I can get...
Im at school right now so I cant get you the serial n make of the motherboard but the motherboard is pretty crappy...Has what I think is an integrated CPU....cause the fan is smaller than the fan on the video card on my PC. I found one out on newegg...heres the link....you guys think its a good deal? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103010 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813128262 The motherboard comes out to be free when you get them both....the PC isnt for gaming or anythin like that so it doesnt have to be hella fast. But if you guys can find anythin more economic then i'd appreciate it...
Hmm...I hope not..Lol...but I guess we'll see when I get the new motherboard and install it....if its gone I'll buy another one also...
Sorry for the double post...but if the motherboard is fried....would the RAM also get fried?
Hmm...I tried lookin around in detail and didnt see any...what I did see kind of wierd funny tho was a black flat square like thingy that had like a hard bubble on the top...it was the only one of its kind on the whole board like that...
Nah...Its the motherboard...I tried all that and even tried with my RAM...and nada....not workin.
Seems pretty good...But I'll stick to gmail...lol...back when I started in gmail back in 2004 they had like 1GB inboxes and now they are at 2.7 gigs...so they are always adding....plus I dunno...no bad experiences so far. I also like the web browsin inbox...dunno why but I've always hated Outlook..
What do you mean? take out the RAM and turn the PC on without them? Because once I turned the PC back off I checked again and I even brought the PC home and even tried with my RAM....but thanks Dlewis...what you said is what I have been fearing....that his 'hurry up' might have led to be installing it incorrectly....I sort of knew that it was the motherboard all along...but I guess I was trying to hide behind the vid card possibility....Thanks alot...especially for the quick response....also...do you know of any sites(already checked newegg) that sell Motherboard and CPU bundles for a low price? Cause the thing is....my mom and even he said that Im not responsible but I feel completely responsible and I'd like to see someprices so I can buy and fix his PC...
Alright mates...I have a problem with a cousin's computer.....He called me up to install some RAM on his PC...cause hes seen me do it on my PC and others. So well I go over...pull his out to see what type he has and then we leave to go get the new one....we go get it...come back...i slide both cards into the slots....make sure they are both on securely...close the case....connect everythin back up....turn on the button and....a small faint smell of burnin comes out and nothin happens...then a sec later the PC starts beepin...like the low annoyin sounds that the case does or somethin when something is wrong and then the monitor says 'Cable Disonnect" or somethin like that then shuts off....so by that I think that theres either a problem with the video card or the motherboard but since the video card is integrated it might be both...Im not sure... edit: Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Lol that would be purdy awsome...Lol...It does make you wonder...They move all crazyish...like when they jump up and land on their backs n shizz.
Sorry to revive an old post up but I have a new problem.....So now Im installin a new PC and that PC has Windows ME on it....the program those POS cards brought is horrible and Im not even finding the network....Any ideas? Im gonna try moving PC around the room....although this *is* the farthest room from the wireless antenna sender thingy
Well I got the problem resolved.....I changed the option of Obtain IP address automatically and put the address n stuff i wanted on there n stuff and in the end it worked.....it was a simple software problem.....Lol....sorry Im a n00b...I know.....thanks everyone though for being a great help. You can flame me as muich as you want Lol -=puts on flame suit=-.....but you wont hear the last of me...Lol...I will be on these board looking around and stuff....later everyone...now to go install 3rd PC wirelessly...Lol....laterand thanks again
Ok I tried pinging google and I got no response.... EDIT: Okay I was juss radin the router box and the antenna box and i noticed that the antenna is B and the router is G....meh....is there a way I can change so they accept eachother?
I cant check today, I will do it tommorow
okay thanks DaKeith, you've been a good help
the key is correct, windows told me when it was wrong when i accidently mistyped something. But where could I find the option about B and G devices?
Hmm...when I was setting up the connection that i found the network, it asked me for the key i set up and i put it in and thats how i actually connected on, I get the full 11Mbps the card gets but I juss cant view any webpages on the internet nor open any internet programs like AIM or MSN Messanger
Thats the ones I did....the NT...and i cant access the wireless PCs thru my browser...not even the one with the (edit) *working* connection
All the box says is '11M Wireless LAN PCI Adapter' ebay link is http://cgi.ebay.com/802-11b-Wireless-Ethernet-LAN-Network-PCI-Card-Adapter_W0QQitemZ9718723462QQcategoryZ45001QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem