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Everything posted by jypagan

  1. its common sense its based on the us but that doesn't give you the right to tell people what language to use. especially if they are translating it back in English but I'm sorry i will not stand with my arms crossed when they are racist about my language or my hispanic community
  2. If I'm not mistaken, when I sign up on this forum never was such thing stating that you can only speak english Thats my point. you are making this look like here theres a bunch of racist.
  3. I don't agree with you! I am a Puertorican living in the US. If we want to speak Spanish maybe is because we have freedom of speech.I don't know on your contry but here in US INCLUDING PR( US territory) we have freedom of speech. and I'm sorry but YOU CAN NOT TELL PEOPLE WHAT LANGUAGE TO USE. If you where in my job "US MILITARY" you will be either out the door or jail. just for that racist and inconsiderable comment. Its like you go to "china town" and you tell the Chinese to speak English, just because you don't understand them. its BS but you have to suck it up
  4. I own a Ambit Modem I attached the user manual
  5. I was trying to see my 7 days Stats. But I'm getting a 404- File Not Found. Does anyone else getting this? or Its just me ? Thanks ahead on any Info! I Can only see the 30 days
  6. I was using cable nut but I didn't notice any difference. and on my other PC I have the same speed without cablenut I know its weird but what can I do.
  7. Yes I ran into the same situation when I purchase my Gateway PC but I did it online but it had question about the same
  8. My Cox Speed In North Louisiana @ 3:21am Download speeds are slow but the upload its been faster lately :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2089 Kbps about 2.1 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 255 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Wed Jun 08 2005 03:20:17 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 37X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.02 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 65.82 % of your hosts average (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-H5OQTY0SL :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 495 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 60 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Wed Jun 08 2005 03:21:46 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 17.07 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 30.95 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NFZDYU1WA
  9. Yes I run a home business
  10. 4 Desktop (3 new within 6 month) 1 Laptop
  11. The GOV is mad because they can't smoke it
  12. Purchase on Dec.24, 1998 Intel Pentium II MMX 40GB(upgrade Original 8.5GB ) 128Mb Ram (Upgrade Original 96mb) and a crappy 8mb video card still works Still have original 56K modem, 48X Cd Rom but I add a CD-RW like 2yrs ago. On Feb.a D-Link Wireless card. Running WinXP Pro (its really Sloooooow)
  13. Actually I purchase the one said! thanks
  14. I will wait for EBay to get it If the wife let me
  15. Thanks guys for all the help! I learn something new everyday
  16. Thanks for your help peepnklown! I guess the difference its not that big
  17. Hey fellas I'm trying to buy new Blank DVD but I don't know Which one to get. I usually buy DVD-R 8x or can I save my money this time and purchase the 4x? Thanks on your support
  18. Could be also that the schools out so all little brats are home ! I guess that could be a factor
  19. I used it alot Its preatty decent
  20. Also check www.tigerdirect.com they have good price too. sometimes its like "wao thats really cheap!"
  21. When I had my installed in Feb this year I got it cancelled by 7pm the same day Oh maybe they didnt tell you about FAP good luck
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