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Everything posted by thegeek

  1. ABC News7: News story about DS2 200 mbps PLC Superior Techology
  2. read from www broadbandoverpowerlines. blogspot. com/ EU endorses OPERA 2 international standardization activities for Powerline Communications Proposal submitted to IEEE. OPERA Project work receives EU top score for excellence Madrid, 18th July 2007 - The OPERA 2 Consortium today announced that the European Commission has endorsed Opera 2 activities to develop a new generation PLC access standard. In a recent Review Meeting that took place in Lisbon to evaluate the work undertaken to date by the 26-partner consortium to promote the adoption of low cost, high performance broadband access PLC, the European Commission stated that the work undertaken in Opera 2 is excellent. The reviewers allocated the highest possible score for EU funded projects and were particularly impressed with the progress achieved, in particular the solid contribution to international standardization activities, excellent field trials deployed to demonstrate scalability of OPERA PLC technology and the quality of the deliverables.
  3. read http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/
  4. Glad to hear that there`s an upcoming Broadband on Power Line (BPL) Conference on September 2007 !!! here: http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/2007/07/comptel-supports-uplc-annual-conference.html http://uplc.utc.org/page/102510/
  5. Got Broadband internet access? Skype now offers $14.95 ONLY PER YEAR--- UNLIMITED calls from PC-TO-ANY U.S. PHONES/CELLPHONES !!! This is great for VOIP USERS !!! Source: (http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com)
  6. The only FASTER UPLOAD broadband web access i knew, is thru BROADBAND POWERLINE or BPL. The speed is the same upload and download. Check from this source: (http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com) Current Communications BPL offers Symmetrical fast upload and download internet access via Powerlines: (http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/2006/12/current-communications-bpl-offers.html) Hopefully, your Electric Power utility company will offer this service in the now.
  7. The only FASTER UPLOAD broadband web access i knew, is thru BROADBAND POWERLINE or BPL. The speed is the same upload and download. Check from this source: (http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com) Hopefully, your utility company will offer this service in the nearest future.
  8. South Africa !!! Broadband over Powerline deployed
  9. Broadband Over Powerline 2006 Unleashing the full potential of Broadband Over Powerline for your business: core applications, commercialized broadband and the logistics of a large-scale deployment July 25 - 26, 2006
  10. http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/ IQPC`s 3rd BROADBAND over POWERLINE Conference 2006 in the United States 2 site visits: CenterPoint Energy, Houston & CURRENT's BPL Demo House, Dallas !!!! BPL Site Visit
  11. Google's Major Investments Hint Search Giant Might Become ISP !!!! read: BY BRIAN DEAGON INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted 7/7/2006 One day you might be able to tell your phone or cable company to cancel all services because you have a new provider
  12. Broadband Over Powerline: An 'electric' new player in the living room wars Toronto, Canada MARY KIRWAN Specia to Globe and Mail Update POSTED AT 5:16 PM EDT ON 05/07/06 pls. read more http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/
  13. http://www.uplc.utc.org/file_depot/0-10000000/0-10000/7966/folder/23284/UPLC_broadband.ram here`s the right link !!!
  14. http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?ei=UTF-8&p=BROADBAND+over+POWER+LINE&b=9&oid=5937717bf4b7a04c&rurl=www.uplc.utc.org&vdone=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.yahoo.com%2Fvideo%2Fsearch%3Fei%3DUTF-8%26p%3DBROADBAND%2Bover%2BPOWER%2BLINE&vback=Results Nice video from Yahoo !!!
  15. Earthlink plans to offer BROADBAND OVER POWER LINES too: http://www.earthlinkconed.net/index.html EarthLink Rolls Out Wi-Fi Network by Wendy Davis, Monday, Jul 3, 2006 6:00 AM ET AS PART OF ITS EFFORTS to grow market share in the wireless sector, Internet service provider EarthLink last week began rolling out a major Wi-Fi network in Anaheim, Calif. EarthLink also is building similar Wi-Fi networks in New Orleans, Philadelphia, and Milpitas, Calif. EarthLink also recently partnered with Google to submit a winning bid to provide free Wi-Fi to San Francisco. The Google-EarthLink bid beat out five other bidders--including CBG, MetroFi, NextWLAN, SF Metro Connect, and Razortooth Communications. EarthLink also said late last week that DirecTV had agreed to buy Internet access at wholesale rates on the Wi-Fi networks that EarthLink currently is building, and to resell the service to retail customers. AOL--which continues to lose dial-up subscribers--and EarthLink also reached what EarthLink characterized as a non-binding agreement to purchase wholesale Wi-Fi service and resell it to consumers. In addition, EarthLink said it is in talks with AOL to offer AOL.com content and Web assets on EarthLink's network. In addition to Wi-Fi access, EarthLink also intends to offer broadband-over-power lines. Last month, Current Communications announced it had received $130 million in funding from a variety of investors, including EarthLink. The Germantown, Md.-based Current Communications is rolling out a network that provides broadband access through electric lines.
  16. UPLC Sets the Record Straight on BPL Interference WASHINGTON
  17. I saw it today at BestBuy for $199 ....new Netgear 85Mbps using DS2 200Mbps CHIPSETS !!!
  18. this makes every outlet in our house... Broadband -ready !!!
  19. RE: NETGEAR ® Launches 200 Mbps Powerline Solution for High-Definition Video and Gaming Monday June 26, 8:30 am ET Speedy Powerline Technology from DS2 Enables High-Quality HD Video and Audio Streaming in the Digital Home READ: http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/
  20. Anyone using here Netgear 200 Mbps Powerline Solution for High-Definition Video and Gaming ? Speedy Powerline Technology from DS2 Enables High-Quality HD Video and Audio Streaming in the Digital Home read: http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/
  21. check on Duke Energy or your Electric Power Utility for Fast uploading Broadband over Power Lines internet access... could be cheaper !!! http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/
  22. Anyone from North Carolina using DUKE ENRGY`s new BPL as Internet access, how fast is your upload speed ? re: http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/2006/06/charlotte-north-carolina-uplc.html http://www.ambientcorp.com/updates/BPL%20Today%20-%20Duke%20Pushes%20Ahead%20with%20Ambient%20Gear.pdf
  23. Please let us know... Just want to know how many here are using Broaband over Power Lines as their broadband web access and how fast is their upload and download speed. I read lots of updates here: http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/ Thanks for the reply in advance !!!
  24. Just want to know how many here are using Broaband over Power Lines as their broadband web access and how fast is their upload and download speed. I read lots of updates here: http://broadbandoverpowerlines.blogspot.com/ Thanks for the reply in advance !!!
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