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PartlySunny reacted to CA3LE in Is my Internet speed accurate?
No, not at all. You just have to think about who wrote it, Vimeo's technical department, they're IT dudes like we are. They don't have any horse in the game so they really just want to help people and get them to get the right answer.
The people who I'd think were in an alternate universe (at this point... didn't used to be this way) if they said that... internet service providers. Nearly all of them. I hope one day that changes. I hope one day that they're delivering service so outstanding and they're so confident in its performance that they purposely refer people to the most difficult internet speed test... instead of ones that favor them / make efforts to give users the best chance to score high.
But like I said before in this forum, until then... I'm more than happy with the >1% who get it.
PartlySunny reacted to OldHippieDude in Post your speed and how much you pay monthly
YEEEEEEEEEeeHAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaW!!! Only 97% slower than my "city average." Flyin' high in the sky this morning! Doggies! It jez don't git much better n' that ..for me! .. Literally!
PartlySunny reacted to OldHippieDude in Post your speed and how much you pay monthly
Oops, forgot the attachment.
PartlySunny reacted to CA3LE in Wrong result ID given
Looks like there was already a result in the database with the same testID. It won't allow an overwrite of the same ID. It's supposed to check for that, I'll look and see why it didn't. Maybe I turned that off at some point and didn't realize... Even with that check disabled it's extremely rare to conflict with other testID's.
It's like 36^9 combinations, but I have seen it before and you just confirmed it again. I'll make sure that's not an issue for you in the future.
1.0155996e+14 that's a lot of combinations. 1.3537087e+16 combinations if I switched to cAsE sEnSiTiVe
Better go buy a lottery ticket.
PartlySunny reacted to Rustcrew in Post your speed and how much you pay monthly
Don't forget left click on the folder and choose in the drop down run as administrator. It will read your settings for a little while. down at the bottom of the screen it will say optimal click on that circle then hit apply . In a minute it will ask you to reboot. go ahead and do that It will change your rwin values and maximum connections for you. If you are not using windows 10 or 8.1 you are using something older Go to www.speedguide.net and download your version. If you want to learn how windows and the internet companies work together to keep everyone @ one speed to control flow and congestion so that they can charge me and you $$$ for faster speed also go there and read some articles . I have learned a lot from them .Yeah Comcast boosted your speeds again from 100mbs to 150 mbs.