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    Canzy got a reaction from CA3LE in cFos   
    Hi Cable
    i'm actually quite surprised. Its been around for many many years I thought you would have tried it for sure. I installed it yesterday, around noonish (not sure where you are, but I'm in EST) it feels to me like its slightly slower, but it seems a little more stable if that makes sense. So the overall is slower, I don't think its more then 30-50mbps but there is less moderation..
    And again, maybe its all in my freakin head LOL
    Its so hard to get accurate test results on such things just due to variances that exist regardless.
    So, I've been running it since yesterday, I'll uninstall it now and run it for about 24 hours and run regular speed tests/latency tests and post them here, I'll post my slowest, and my fastest and a couple of latency tests at different times to try and give some sort of baseline, then reinstall it and run it for 24 hours.
    The only problem is it has to be "calibrated" so the first few speed tests with it will be to calibrate, and I won't include those.

    EDIT: Actually since its already calibrated, I'll just leave it and run it for run a few tests with, uninstall run a few without. make it lots quicker and I can do that a few times over the next day or 2.

    Fastest WITH

    Slowest WITH
  2. Like
    Canzy got a reaction from Sean in Fun Times   
    So, I upgraded my computer  a little and the new motherboard had a realtek card. Been a long time since I've had anything but intel. It was sooo bad.
    I've been messing with it since yesterday trying each setting and go back and check again when I find something that changes things... I'm sure many of you know how slow and painstaking that can be lol But I finally got it!
    if you look at my profile my slowest and and my fastest speeds are today lol

  3. Like
    Canzy got a reaction from CA3LE in Fun Times   
    So, I upgraded my computer  a little and the new motherboard had a realtek card. Been a long time since I've had anything but intel. It was sooo bad.
    I've been messing with it since yesterday trying each setting and go back and check again when I find something that changes things... I'm sure many of you know how slow and painstaking that can be lol But I finally got it!
    if you look at my profile my slowest and and my fastest speeds are today lol

  4. Thanks
    Canzy reacted to jeff cogeco TORONTO in jeff cogeco toronto   
  5. Like
    Canzy got a reaction from Sean in cleaning a pc with air compressor   
    So I did the compressor thing today, didn't get around to it yesterday. No problems worked as well as a can of compressed air except a lot cheaper!
    I'll be sticking with it. May even get a smaller one to keep in my office. It will be handy for working with guitars sometimes too, depending on what I'm doing to said guitar of course lol
    The case looks fantastic. All in all I do believe its cleaner then when I use a can of air.
    See can barely tell theres glass on  i t

    I'm sorry it looked funny with no lights at the bottom lol
  6. Like
    Canzy got a reaction from Pgoodwin1 in Hello   
    I'm not complaining at all. Thats with my camera security system, my phone, chromecast and upstairs tv all connected. So not all the bandwidth available.

    Its mind-boggling how fast internet is today!
  7. Like
    Canzy got a reaction from Pgoodwin1 in Hello   
    Just thought I would introduce myself. I've been using the speed test as a member since Sept when I signed onto a 1gig connection.
    I've been online since the 14.4 modem days and can remember downloading my first copy of win98 on a 36k LMAO
    It took days back then. So I love watching these numbers fly

  8. Like
    Canzy reacted to rebrecs in checkout this amazing result   
    Wow... look at this test result. I pay for 400 Down and my Avg Down is around 448. I snuck one by their speed throttle mechanism. At least now I know my neighborhood and facility wiring etc. can handle 1 gig. How this happened I don't know, but here is my theory. Based on the last thing I did, which was manipulating my so called router to grab it's Ip address from the host's DHCP but ignore everything else that comes from the Host's DHCP -- my router finally picked up DNS from
    I proved my so called router was using the new DNS server via the cool tool on this site (DNS lookup or something similar, under Misc --> tools).
    So, the very first time I ran the test without the extra DHCP baggage - my Down test hit 1 gig+, but their clever infrastructure caught on real fast. At first it over-corrected, then settled down in at the speed I usually get in my test results. So, no, benchmarking is not my hobby. I just want to be well prepared for my inevitable conversation with my dear old ISP.

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