oh, and a quick follow up question: most of the tests (on this site I mean) gave my connection between 3 and 4 stars (inclusive), despite my speed variance never dipping below ~80%. Does this mean that that much speed variance is 'acceptable' or that the star rating doesn't take it into account? I find that I can stream 1080p videos just fine, which I assume is because it buffers ahead when the speed is high and I therefore don't notice the troughs in the speed. On the other hand, when playing online games (Dota 2), I find that even within, say, 5 second windows I go from lag to no lag and back to lag. Which I guess would be because the speed is fluctuating wildly, unable to maintain stability even for 5 seconds. Does that analysis make sense? If yes, how do I describe this to my ISP? 'Speed' doesn't seem to be the correct term, so what would be?