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Posts posted by Storm311

  1. Not to sound heartless, but this is why smart people dont hang out in bars and with the drunk trash of society in general. Thats my take on it anyway. If he would have been at home with his wife (is he married) or loved ones hed probably be ok. Don't take this the wrong way, I just feel little sympathy for people that go to bars or party with the drugs and alcohol, it stems from being raised by an alcoholic, he blames everything on everyone else when he brings 99% of it on himself.

    I can see where you are coming from, but its not like he was out in a low key bar, it was in the nicer area around there.  I'm not 100% sure of all of the surrounding details, I just know its a big loss to his family and his team and all of his fans.  I won't respond to your argument because I have no facts, It is just sad.  No matter what the circumstances no family should have to receive that kind of news.

  2. Well as long as she thought so and got me up to speed, that was all I cared that day. I think that would be reasonable though. Guess that is partly why we are waiting for something better.  :grin2: Me anyway.

    Yeah, If there was true high speed in teh country I might do it, but I'm too much of an internet whore to move anywhere but the city  :haha:

    Does your ISP have some kind of access policy that limits uploads and downloads?

  3. I just been sittin back and watchin everyone else to see what they get.  I stopped testing for a while but now have gotten back into the habit of testing almost every day.  Don't ask me why, I know my connection is great.  Am I obnoxious or whar?  :grin:

    No..he's obnoxious  :haha: just cuz you have those speeds  :smiley:

  4. I missed that one. I don't watch much T.V. I'm on here too much.  :shock:

    lol the guy is stuck in a pet store and his girlfriend says she has bud light there after he says he is stuck there for the night and after she says that he hooks all the little pets up to a dogsled lol its pretty funny.

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