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Everything posted by TimPawlak

  1. and if you left your lcd tv on for 8 hours a day, it would last over 10 years.. dlewis you were talking about the 20 years of normal use.. thats like .. heck.. a rough guesstimate of about 1 hour a day or less even
  2. Much has been made of the longevity of LCD displays, at least compared to plasma monitors. The conventional wisdom is that LCD televisions last longer than their plasma TV counterparts, which is true. The problem is, a lot of people extrapolate from this that either (a) LCD displays last forever or ( LCD monitors suffer no picture "wear" over time. Neither of these suppositions is correct. Flat-panel LCD screen displays have a lifespan approaching 60,000 hours. The lifespan of an LCD display is generally longer than that of similar-sized plasma displays. Some manufacturers even claim that their LCDs can last upwards of 80,000 hours when used continuously under controlled conditions (e.g., in a room with "standard" lighting conditions and 77
  3. nfs carbon, wwe smackdown, cars (sisters game lol), Burnout(2 i think), ghost recon
  4. i love our new HDTV LCD tv with my xbox 360 great graphics
  5. acutally, i read that the lcd's last really long lol.. which they do.. my dad chose the lcd cause he read about which one was better before he spent the 2,500$ on a new TV
  6. oh by the way, it has a really great picture too i can post pictures if you really want them
  7. we went to a bunch of places and compared tv's cause out 42 inch died... the plasmas dont last as long as the LCD's.. so we choose the LCD.. we also noticed that the plasma seems to have a glossy glare type thing on the screen... GO LCD widescreen like us (sixty some inch)
  8. i would buy them out for 50 us dollars =P
  9. 1 us dollar? uh wow..for 2 mb?
  10. that wasnt on my desktop.. that was on my faster server (2.4 ghz amd) i am currently hosting a teamspeak server... i actually managed to get 1.3 gig of teamspeak transfer last night
  11. lol tommie, thats on a dedicated line for insight... that's why the speed was so fast
  12. AYYY!!!
  13. lol those are fast speeds
  14. eh, i dont have the money lol...
  15. nice, very good download and upload for your connection
  16. whats ur advertised speeds?
  17. that's just burst.. i can get about 4 mb/s with burst on some websites
  18. no, it said it cannot support this OS
  19. you're probably hitting your max...
  20. i couldnt find the download link for the free partitoning thing for windows
  21. thats sbc, not comcast
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