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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by TimPawlak

  1. looks fine to me Welcome to the fourm, Rangerapr!
  2. lets see... for being 14 years old and NO job... =) my server has a 20 gb hdd until saturday... then it will be a 300
  3. Those pings are fine to me.... my server could have had a couple people in the ts SpeedStream 4100 is what i have... heck yeah...
  4. bleh, keeping insight too.... for my dad i guess hah... i dont care... i suppose i get the dsl all to myself!!!
  5. sbc is so stable, and the pings in games rock
  6. at times, you may reach 500k. but i do not think you can go faster. Thanks, Tim
  7. i just hope damon gets it added asap
  8. nice.... we have sbc... for now we also have insightbb... im waiting for my speed to go over 1.5.... blah.......... we're just trying sbc for now... but its adv. is 6/608 niiiiiice don
  9. whats ur adv. speed?
  10. sweet... i hope he gets that one up soon =)
  11. hey, i got my new site up on my new hosting... what kinda speeds ya get? *CA3LE hasnt put them up yet =)* http://teamxr.net/speedtest/20MB.txt www.teamxr.net/speedtest/1MB.txt www.teamxr.net/speedtest/3MB.txt www.teamxr.net/speedtest/7MB.txt
  12. hahaha
  13. try this... i found it posted by BLUNTED2!!
  14. prolly better than ur sat just messin with ya tommie
  15. 6 mbps pack unlimited data transfer any night and day i want for about $28 btw guys, we're trying sbc now.. we still got insight...
  16. lmao, sorry for you, although that may be good for there...
  17. i find it about the same..
  18. not for me
  19. that could be a nice upgrade for my sis's pc haha, she has a P2 300 mhz =)
  20. well, tell them to give it to you anyways.. tell them that you will make them homemade cookies!!!
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