fikester..well, so far I've not noticed any significant slowdowns during market hours..9:30am to 4pm..I suppose I've not had it long enough to know what a 'slowdown' all seems very fast too me compared, as stated earlier, 8 years of dial-up..
i've been dabbling part-time in on-line stocks for 8 years and recently in February I quit 'factory work' and went to trading full shafted on a job promotion. I'm 54 and they gave job to some young punk..after I filled in doing the job for 5 months.
so i told them to stick it..
Best thing I ever far..because, with stocks, sometimes, I get real lucky..I make more in one morning than some of my relatives make all week..and never leave the farm..don't have to fight traffic, no BS from bosses to put up with, and I smoke, drink coffee at will, basically do what I want to do. And the price..well, that's gotta spend money for good tools to succeed..this faster speed will help.
Some stock trading programs cost $100 a month..I don't use any..yet..I just fly it by the seat of my pants..
Lots of people don't mess with stocks especially 'penny stocks' but that's where the money is..IF you know what your's a shot for example of what can happen..
a picture of my screen..note length of time I owned stock..and what does a bank pay on a CD?..3 or 4% a YEAR?
that's all I'm going to say about stocks except I NEED good internet and good computer and I personally don't care WHAT it costs..
you can probably see why..