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Everything posted by aakash

  1. Yes Bro . My topic has been moved. You can give suggestion on http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=20081.msg228751#new & thanks 4 tdawnaz Yeah the site is related with gambling...
  2. Hi Friends.... Every person interested in money and also in the topic of money. I m too. So 2-3 days ago,when i was in my friends group. We were talking about "Earn money on net" One of my friend suggest me to earn money on net. By a site it's [snip] So friends,the problem is that i m in call center. From here i m not able to open this site. Can u open this site & can you tell me about it . That it is good or not ? Prince... edit: to remove url
  3. Ok orange, Which one plan you are using in WildBlue High Speed ?
  4. Hi friends. It's my photo,just i am trying to attach it. Soon i will attach my photo in it...
  5. Don't get die. I m always with u . It is not necessary 4 u .
  6. So you can attach it. Why r u waiting ? (Just attach)
  7. aakash


    So brothers. Can u tell me the procedure to earn the money on Papal ?
  8. Yes i liked it.(User bar) Can u tell me where u will attach this user bar ?
  9. Yeah come on topic. Ask ur question ? Bro
  10. I will come on topic. But first see the CRM. How it is ?
  11. Yeah i found it. So i m attaching a file. U can see the CRM of our call center.
  12. Bro i m posting,so where is the "Additional Options" ?
  13. Can u tell me,how can i attach something under our post ?
  14. What u made ?
  15. Problem has been solved. Leave this topic.
  16. Hello Friend. I was checking my all settings in my profile By a mistake,i don't now what i had done. my name is not showing in online list. Can you tell me the solution?.
  17. I knew very well about "Hindu,Muslim,Sikh,Christian" (all are brothers with each other) But can u tell me about Protestant,Roman Catholic etc ?
  18. What do you think,difference bettween India & USA ?
  19. Ok so all are not english but many are english. If i like to go in the area,there are so many english man. Then where i should go?
  20. Oh Sir,it is very good news for me. I think it's not a big thing 4 you. Becoz u all are English people. Your English and our Hindi is equal. We are perfect in Hindi like us,you are perfect in English. You can understand my thinking. Nice....
  21. To all friends. Don't talk about fone-phone. My way of talking is grammer's mistake. In my all sentence,means in my all word.There is a mistake or not. The sense is that you people are understanding me properly or not? If in future i will come in foreign.So i m able to talk with other one or not?
  22. No,you are not understanding me.I wrote it "Don't get bore" only 4 u. Means don't get bore to read my msg.Becoz my question is very different on TMN.
  23. Hello Friends. There is a little problem i m facing,it is :- I think it is very different problem in TMN Last night i was on my friend's house. On that's time,i received a fone call on my mobile (Don't get bore) It was my friend.In the fone call i and my friend,both we were talking with my friend on call. In the end of the call i said that ,"We are getting bore" Plz friend (TMN) i m correct with my sentence or not? The main thing is that i am Indian,so Hindi is our language. So our thinking (I am my friend) is that we are not feeling comfartable very much in English. It's not problem,the thing is that,my friend is telling me that your English is not very good. So i m asking this question to all,that:- You can read my all MSG & reply that there is a mistake in my sentences or not.It is different thing you are understanding me properly. My question is that in my sentence (means the way of grammer) I m right or not & also give me the answer of fone call.... Thnx friend....
  24. Hello Friend. This is prince here. We knew very well about "REMOTE DESKTOP COMPUTER" Can you all help me about it that,with the help of this option we can do anything on other system. If i know my friend's computer id,so with the help of it i can do anything on his system by my PC.
  25. Really Sir,(tommie gorman) You noticed this thing. Any way i will also say something about "BASTARD" Really very different name. There is very fine people on TMN, they are very helpful 4 othere. If you will face any problem so u can post here. Prince...
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