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Beta Tester 23
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  1. Haha
    CrazyAboutNature got a reaction from xs1 in Beta Testers Welcome   
    Where do I sign-up for the 680Mbps/41Mbps... I'm ready!
  2. Haha
    CrazyAboutNature got a reaction from CA3LE in Beta Testers Welcome   
    Where do I sign-up for the 680Mbps/41Mbps... I'm ready!
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    CrazyAboutNature got a reaction from CA3LE in Missing tests are not documented   
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    CrazyAboutNature got a reaction from CA3LE in Missing tests are not documented   
    At times, perhaps because there is a timeout (?), no data is returned.  When the details are graphed out, they are continuous and just skip missing data and treat it as though there was no gap in the time period.

    I'm trying to show my ISP when their performance is slow, or when there are total gaps in it, but these graphs and data results don't help to document when a report could not / was not generated.  In several cases I have documented this to be when other available speediest are either timing out or showing grossly underperforming speed.  There was a 4-5 hour gap in the data this morning, and I have no clue whether the utility was timing out or if something else was going on.
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    CrazyAboutNature got a reaction from CA3LE in Missing tests are not documented   
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