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    ha05ger got a reaction from xs1 in Anyone else use county broadband?   
    Yeh it's not bad for WiFi at all I have had 550 over WiFi before. With a cable the best I've seen on my ps5 using speed test.net is 596.3 so pretty damn close. Attached the WiFi test pretty damn good. 

  2. Like
    ha05ger got a reaction from Frank225 in Anyone else use county broadband?   
    Yeh it's not bad for WiFi at all I have had 550 over WiFi before. With a cable the best I've seen on my ps5 using speed test.net is 596.3 so pretty damn close. Attached the WiFi test pretty damn good. 

  3. Sad
    ha05ger reacted to cholla in Tiscali now owns Pipex.com   
    @ ha05ger,
    Unfortunately both  Roco & tommie gorman have passed away.
    If either post from the other side I would love to see it.
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