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Everything posted by zeddlar

  1. Well the Hughesnet is a gonner and my hotspot modem from Millenicom is getting a full signal here and service is pretty decent.
  2. LOL, I realise this is an older thread but I figured since I got Verizon and have this pecliar thing going on I would post. I have the LG Vortex which is a great phone but I live caught between 3 w signal outskirts with the closest being a smaller tower 4.5 miles from the house and on the other side of a large hillside comparable in size to the one I live on. Outside pointed at this tower I go from no bars at 1x to 2 bars at 3G depending on where on the farm I am standing, In the house the best I can get by staning in front of a window and pointing my phone at that tower is 2 bars 3G, in the rest of the house I get1 bar 3G or less....But if I set my phone on the output tray of my printer right here beside me, I get 3 bars with no fluctuations in service what so ever. Go figure, LOL. I just signes up for the verizon MIFI from Millenicom and am hoping the modem does the same thing.
  3. Turn turbo page off and try it. It would seem that something has changed with the turbo page compression that is causing the problem
  4. The test seems to be dead on again for me, thanks CA3LE.
  5. Well now according to my actual download speeds, the HN test is accurate at reading my speed at an average of 200 to 350 Kb/s. My actual download speeds seem to range most of the day between 40 and 60 KB/s. This happened overnight day before yesterday so I think something has gone haywire at HN. I have had congestion slowdowns before and they have always been gradual and never anything like going from 4 Mb/s overnight to 200Kb/s the next day. I don't think the upgrades would explain this either since everyone at HN was on vacation when this happened to me. Probably need to sit tight for a few days and see if this works out on it's own, because I have a suspision that it will. And btw, this site is still giving me download speed readings at 5 Mb/s and I should mention that my browsing doesn't seem any slower either which is strange. I mentioned this elsewhere but it seems to me like something is throttling actual file downloads while somehow letting normal browser activity through at full speed.
  6. I was getting accurate tests long after my speed doubled, but my speed doubled like 3 or 4 months ago. I think they did something with their compression to counter the speed problems the new FAP system could likely cause and this is what is throwing things off. It was when they did a wide scale rollout of the new FAP rollover that my tests went wild. I am still getting actual download speeds above what the HN test is showing for line speed. I am suppose to talk to HN about this tomorrow and see if we can figure out what the problem is.
  7. Hope everyone has a great and safe evening this eveining and a great up and coming year!!
  8. I saw out on the chart that someone on HN got a result of 139 Mb/s, if only. hehehe
  9. It seems to be showing slightly inflated scores for me now as well. From the best I can tell it is consistantly showing about 1 or 2 Mb/s faster than I am running from the looks of things.
  10. Okies, just tested with the HN test, results are 247 KB/s down and 42 KB/s up, the test here shows 5.2 Mb/s down and 269 KB/s up. Now a dedicated server will give you a full speed download as fast as you can download as long as the server has an upload speed faster than your download speed. Either way for max speed you can never get an inflated result but you can get a slow result., You just have to know the quality of the service at the server you are downloading from and the amount of average congestion to make an educated guess at how much those things are slowing you down on a public server. Ok on an 85 MB file I averaged an actual download speed of 480 KB/s which adds up to 3.8 Mb/s so my test result here was a bit inflated and the HN test again was way to slow. Just to be clear, to get that average download speed I wait untill the burst speed is past and the download speed levels out and then I record the slowest speed and the fastest speed there after and split the differance and then lean that number toward the faster or slower side depending on whether the speed spent more time on the faster or slower side of that average. I got the avatar but I can't figure out how to do attachments here to save my life, lol. This all has to be something HN is doing with thier software trying to get decent speeds and higher allowances but for the life of me I can't figure out why it is causing the tests to malfunction.
  11. It ,ight be accurate for you but it is way off for me.
  12. Yeah, between what I am seeing on the HN forum and the HN section of this one, it would seem the problem is widely spread. I check mine regularly against actual downloads and it is staying fairly stable for me so far but it is beginning to look to me like there isn't a dependable speedtest out there for HN atm. Speakeasy was just a hair inflted but pretty close the other day and all the rest including the HN test show I am getting speeds generall slower than what even my actual download speed runs, lol. I know this is causing alot of complaints on the HN forums but with no test running accuratly then it is hard to make people understand that they can't depend on those tests. I cant figure out how to do attachments but at 66% through a 107 MB video driver download from Nvidea I am downloading at 542 KB/s which adds up to a line speed of 4.3 Mb/s, when I tested here just before this download I got a result of 4.9 Mb/s so figuring possible server congestion at Nvideas end then that result is close. Just seconds before I started this download I tested with the HN official speed test and it showed a download speed of 320 KB/s which would be an actual download speed of 40 KB/s, LOL. I don't know what is causing these problems but there is something somewhere causing havoc with these tests. I will do another download test and comare it to these tests later this evening and see what happens, but the ones having these problems are going to have to do the same to show the conflicts because like I said, I am not having much if any problems with this sites test yet. I should add that the reason the speeds went up for some is rumored to be because in order for them to do the FAP upgrades, they uncapped the modem speed restrictions so the modem can run at the top availible speed if this helps any.
  13. There has been some other reports of this. not sure what is going on. speedtest.net fell though first and even HN test seems to not be working properly. This site is still running close for me because it says I am running at 5Mb/s down atm and Imy average speed for a graphics card driver update from Nvidea is a little over 500 KB/s or 4Mb/s so if you figure in the probable server congestion on Nvidea's servers then 5Mb/s is probably fairly close to right give or take a little. there is a thread reporting this on this forum that CA3LE is watching already, here is the link to it, go and report it there too if you would. https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/29482-test-is-wrong-with-hughes-satellite/
  14. Same here, Hope everyone has a great Christmas and New year. Stay safe all!!
  15. Can't figure why it is doing that, I have run it several times today and every one has been between 4 and 5 MB.
  16. Still improving.... SMOKIN.....well for Hughesnet it is. Double checked that with a 107 MB file download and it is accurate. Hope this keeps up. I get 1250 MB I can bank up every 2 days (if I ever used it, lol) and 5 MB connection. Not broadband yet but closing on it.
  17. Posting this here too in case you come here first. From the looks of your results, you are using the automatic test, try testing with the 12 MB test size and throw the first result out and run the test a second time and see if you get a more accurate result. The automatic test has long nad a habit of inflating test scores with Hughesnet for some reason and you can see this by going bacj through the old posts here in the Hughesnet forum. Also the first time you test after going to TMN seems to more times than not pick up a burst at the beginning of the download so it is always best to throw that test out and retest and then as long as you don't leave TMN every test thereafter should be accurate. I dunno why it does this, just know it does and it has never been a real problem for me so I havn't mentioned it here for several years.
  18. Yups, thats the rollover, your bucket refills by the same amount that it always did but you now also sve what you had left untill you reach double your old limit. They are talking like that might not be the last of the loosening grip either.
  19. They anounced on the forum today that the 7000 users will be getting the rollover feature and they are working on getting it to everyone as soon as possible. I imagine they will be slowing you into upgrading. They can't force you to upgrade but all of their KU transponders that serve the HN7000s and older modems are leased and they are slowly letting those leases expire as well as satellites hitting the end of their lifespan and dying so anyone with a 7000 or older modem is on a cotinually crowding and sinking ship so to speak. The 9000's are staring to see a few slow downs as more people get on spaceway 3 but the performance still is far far better than the 7000 performance so it really is worth it to upgrade in the end.
  20. Actually they did post an update today explaining the new rollover feature on their website.
  21. Yeah, the 7000 speeds are pretty much in the toilets now days because HN is slowly letting leases on satellite space on old KU satellite run out plus satellites are starting to die and soooo the 7000 users are getting crowded on fewer and fewer transponders all the time. That is why they push people to upgrade so much. I havn't had any trouble with get satisfaction so far but you can also log into the forums with your facebook or twitter account if you have one. I think that is about your only options though.
  22. It is a roll over feature, your bucket still fills by the same amount as always but you can bank your unused allowance up to double your normal allownace. To get 658 MB then that means you carried over 133MB from yesterday and got your daily refill of 525 MB which adds up to that 658 MB. Enjoy. They have alos been throwing around some free tokens, not sure who all is getting those but I havn't seen any yet other than my usual one a month. There is also talk about allowing tokens to roll over from month to month which would also be a nice feature but I don't know when or if it will be implemented for sure.
  23. others and I have now seen our FAP amounts doubled across several plans, I am now getting 1250 MB per day and rumor has it they are also going to do a 48 hour rollover meaning that all the bandwidth you don't use in 48 gets rolled over and gave back to you on the third days reset. If you FAP out on one of those 2 days then you lose it and it starts over the next day. At least thats my understanding. The double bandwidth hasn't hit everyone yet and noone knows just yet whether this will just happen on the 9000 modems or across the board. I will post any other news as I get it in case anyone still reads this forum besides me and Cable, lol.
  24. Those speeds are way slow, if you havn't already then go to the hughesnet forums and ask for help. Probably your only option for improving them much if any is going to be to upgrade to a 9000 modem on the KA systems.
  25. Hehehe
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