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  1. Download Download and Upload
  2. anyonw tried to change the antenna of the modem ZTE MF600?? or extend it to the roof? or connecting it to the TV antenna on the roof? i think its possible because the antenna on the modem is removable with a plug which is slightly similar to the antenna connector..
  3. ei guys i switched from smart bro to globelines wireless plan 512 + landline.. i would like to ask if anyone out there ever tried to connect the wireless modem to the tv antenna or extend the antenna by placing a cable and putting the antenna at the roof??
  4. fr0stbound yup actually thats where i watch anime for now... but some animes are removed due to license issues... but thanks anyway!
  5. ei whatane, did you tweak your smartbro connection?? if you did, can i ask how?
  6. by the way... can i ask u guys where can i watch anime online with a fast video stream or fast loading?? thanks in advance and sorry for asking in the wrong section...
  7. can you guys help me out, i need some of your opinions on which is the best p2p client for us smart broken users? azureous or utorrent? or do you have any other programs to recommend.. and can u post a link or some tips on how to tweak them for smart bro... thanks! your help will be much appreciated! peace!
  8. yup! you got to be patient man read instructions carefully..
  9. ei khalil1974, can you post a print screen of the configuration settings of your canopy.. thanks
  10. ei Sharky2006 werdya get the connection booster software? by the way what was ur speed whithout the connection booster?
  11. hey archramosxxx, can u pls post the config of ur cannopy?? thanks...
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