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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by JH2688

  1. I got started up my computer a few minutes ago and the temps are around 35c which is pretty good, but as soon as i do something it jumps to 38-39c, but i guess thats not to bad either. I've also ran AMD overdrive stability test and it never got past 50c. These are on defualt settings. I guess over all its doing a pretty good job, but you can never be to cautious.
  2. I was just looking at a couple of water cooled ones, but they weren't very good at all maybe you can recommend a good one
  3. I think its time to upgrade my cooling in the computer. Right now my CPU runs around 38-39c most of the time. With a stock fan/heatsink. I feel thats kind of warm. So i want to upgrade my heatsink. I wanted to get your advice on a good heatsink, plus a couple good 120mm case fans as well. This is one i was looking at. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103055 Oh yeah, Im running a AMD Phenom II X4 955
  4. I've had my zune HD(32gig) now for a month or two. I agree with you on most of the stuff, mostly the web browser. But i didn't buy it for that. I bought it for the music and video capabilties of it and mostly because of the OLED screen. The HD radio is really nice. But i do not have any HD radio stations around me so I can't comment on that. I did alot of research before buying it. I'm glad I went for the Zune instead of the ipod touch witch was my other option. If you want to listen to music and watch video the Zune HD is great, but if you want something for all the other crap like web browsing and the applications the ipod touch would be a good option.
  5. Yeah i do use a well for my water supply. as for the copper i dont know, i dont really have much copper in the house. What does this have to do with anything?
  6. Thx for the help, but i got it to work. I connected a old crappy PSU to my MB and started it up, and then i reconnected my PSU to it again and it worked. It must of been some kind of connection issue. Oh well, I don't care why it happened, i just care thats its working again. This computer is damn near brand new and i didn't want to start buying new hardware for it.
  7. Well, my computer won't work again. I tried installing a old hard drive out of my parents computer, to see if it still works and to try and get some stuff off it. Well, I connected it and my windows 7 would not load. So i disconnected it, and now nothing loads. all i get is a black screen. I cant even get to the Bios. Everything sounds like its running but nothing shows up. If you can remember, about 6 months ago I had this same exact thing happen to me. And i had to replace my PSU and MB to get it to work. I most ironic thing about this is before i started messing with my computer. I was a little hesitate about doing anything to my computer on the odd chance something goes wrong. well I should have gone with my gut on this one.
  8. .5 megs is fine for surfing but i dont do much surfing, i like to watch a lot of video. And it really sucks when you try and watch a video that only 30 seconds long take about 5 minutes to load. Plus i like watching the high quality stream when i can.
  9. I'm just wondering what the usual drop off rate in speeds between peak time and off time. During the mornings and afternoons I usually get my full 2 meg service. but then around 5-10pm, I barely get .5 megs. That's not fast enough to do anything with. I know theirs gonna be a speed difference, but getting only 25% of what i should be getting just doesn't seem right.
  10. no its not a cell phone. its like the ipod touch, but its from microsoft.
  11. I got a Zune HD and this is my score. Im using a 2meg dsl line via a wireless router. I havent been able to get much more than this, but lately my speeds have been very inconsistent anyway.
  12. For some reason i think my core speed was set really low at around 800Mhz and now its at 3200Mhz. That was really the only thing i could find. I just ran another 3dmark06 test and scored 11454. Thats the best i've ever ran it. I don't know what i did exactly, i downloaded a couple of things, and that must of worked.
  13. this is what it should look like. I downloaded AMD Overdrive and started playing around with it. i cranked it up to level 10 and this is what i got. I don't know what is different, im going to search around a little more. I'll post some screen shots to so you guys can take a look at it.
  14. well i updated my bios, i dont know what it was before, but i did it anyway. nothing changed. I think maybe these tests are incorrect, because everything else seems to be working just fine. Everything i do is really fast, everything says its working theirs nothing out of the ordinary.
  15. i just did a 3dmark06 test, and my results were terrible. 4758. my old dual core running xp got my in the 7000's http://service.futuremark.com/resultAnalyzer.action?resultId=12338852&resultType=14
  16. I found out that "cpu-z" just does not recognize am3 sockets, so that is not the problem. i looked through my bios for anything out of the ordinary and could not find anything. i even cleared my bios and i still got the same result.
  17. When you try and join each other, do you get a message saying something about your NAT connection? What kind of router are you using(if your using one)? Have you made sure your UPnP is enabled?
  18. heres the spec for my cpu. The MB seems to be using am2 socket instead of the am3. What do guys think of it
  19. this is a screen of of it
  20. I turned off the cool'n'quiet, but i still got the same score, my ram and hard drive score jumped up a couple of tenths. but that was it. Blunted, yes that is the cpu i got.
  21. Well, im running the 64 bit version of windows 7. I've also ran 3dmark vintage a couple of time and my scores on that were really low in the mid 2000. Could it be that something is not running properly, This test just does not make any since, people with slower cpu's get a better score than people with faster one. so far the test seem to favor the intel chips.
  22. Windows 7 has this test that assesses your components. Can someone tell me why my processors score is at a 3.7? I just got one of the best processors i could find. A AMD phenom II x4 3.2 ghz should get a little better score than that.
  23. I should be getting everything tomorrow. I plan to Reformat my hard drive and start over. Now what is the best way to reformat my hard drive?
  24. I got it ordered along with windows 7. now i have to back up all my files that i want to keep. most of the stuff i have i can just redownload or install easily. thx for the help guys
  25. i know my MB is AM3 ready, i've already ckecked that. as for the transfer rates i dont know about that. I think it does but this is my MB http://www.asrock.com/mb/overview.asp?Model=A780GXE/128M&s=
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