what the hell is happening...suddenly, out of nowhere, my connection dropped so drastically? well, i mean, i just managed to download a 700mb movie via limewire with my normal speed 44kb/s then an hour after that, the connection went into 10kb/s..hmmm...im wondering if the tweaking thing has something to do with this...like if i pissed my life off badly...but i doubt it since the settings were in my desktop and there is a very little possibility that it could have gained control over my laptop since they have two different OS.
or could it possibly be? my desktop runs Windows XP SP2 with all the current updates installed while my laptop is running windows vista ultiimate x32. I heard the tweaking programs are incompatible with vista...
but really, help me.....i could not just live with this kind of speed....oh my...what a pity...
P.S. @ gourame, about the leeching thing, i just doubt it...hehehe...anyway, the router's radius doesn't exceed that of my house's...lol