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Everything posted by Cobra

  1. wow, thats good! not like luwigies school but still really good
  2. yea and nice sig pic too! did u make that? its really cool. reminds me of n-sane.net's 88x31 affiliate button
  3. lol, what color is the room?
  4. Cobra

    two things

    lol, i was telling everyone with a laptop to turn off that function. im gonna get in sooo much trouble but im cool with that because they never said the altiris program would be able to let the network admin to actually control our laptops, just view our screen... i figure they never thought someone would bother to explore the program... idiots...
  5. Cobra

    two things

    lol another totally unrelated thing here, but i didnt want to make an entire new thread. i may have said previously that my school was smart, but now theyre making mistakes left and right. i simply turned off the program (called altris)'s ability to view my screen or take control of my laptop! it was a radio button in the options!
  6. o yea, that is very smart considering battery life because you don't want to have to constantly recharge it- my dell has like no battery life- only like 3-4 hours. but that may or may not be that it has another battery slot and the school was either too cheap to pay for another battery, or they purposely didn't get it because they don't want us playing games and stuff... stupid school- i cant install games i bought legally but my friends get to install their illegal games...
  7. u should get one that fits your life best: If you're a gamer, get one with lots of ram and a good processor; if you're more of the type who is going to use you're computer mostly for school and surfing the web, get one with a good hard drive because you might be storing papers and files and stuff on it; if you're like me and do a lot of customizations to your desktop (like icons and themes and visual styles and stuff), then i suggest getting one with as much hard drive as possible because those files may be small individually, but neglect cleaning them out every once in awhile and they'll build up. personally, i liked the Gateway M520CS Plus on your list because it offers a good amount of RAM, priced about the same as most others on the list, had a nice sized monitor, and i have a crappy gateway for home, so im constantly calling their support and generally problems are fixed quickly. but thats just me, and i dont know all that much- all i really know is that my school provides me with a dell latitude d600 and it sucks. big time. its still better than my home computer, but thats not saying much.
  8. noooooo i finally see someone beat one of my first scores here!!!
  9. my site links to newgrounds.com- does that count as something bad cuz they have like two popups for each page. i mean, i could take their links out if you want i dont really care much for them anymore because i told them like two weeks ago that i found that someone was stealing some of their bandwidth and they ignored me...
  10. lol, ill get u for this, captain planet!
  11. ask him to test on a bandwidth testing site located in korea. then ask him to test here to see how well his speed holds up over the pacific.
  12. k maybe not that subtly but i got sick of using my other usernames for everything anyhow.
  13. hey buddy... no one cares... ppl just get annoyed when you spam something... at least i advertise my site very subtly.
  14. Cobra

    two things

    no, they both seem to have the modified screen. theres no difference about whichever one i use- everything runs just the same, same boot screen, same logon screen, everthing...
  15. Cobra

    two things

  16. Cobra

    two things

    this is totally unrelated to my previous problems, but on my home computer, i changed the boot screen but the program i was using made a backup of the bootscreen so now when i turn on the computer, it always asks me if i want to use the backup or the regular- very annoying... i searched everywhere but i cant find the backup to delete it... where would it be?
  17. lol looks like a stuffed animal. i have a shih-tzu, too- looks just like that fluffy and acts like a cat... doesn't come when you call him unless you have food, lazy, sometimes nowhere to be found... shih-tzus are spawn of the devil, i tell you that- everybody thinks hes all cute when they come over til i show them my scars...
  18. lol start a new threat? AHHH! And also, NKSA, welcome, friend, to the land of the bandwidth! from VA? niiiiiice- me too. and yea, ca3le, it seems like this thread has become a spam meeting place but i dont mind. anyone mind? **someone stands up and says "yea i mi-" but a flying shoe hits them in the head and knocks them out. snackysmores whistles and walks away slowly...** im such a nerd
  19. :lol: LOL!! :lol: I really hope this opens up Microsofts eyes to tell them to start, oh, i dont know, testing their software to make sure everything, you know, works. Plus, it's gotta be user-friendly- didn't they realize someone like me would come along, slack off, and end up forgetting to reset? Pssh- Microsoft sucks. My computer crashes like every twenty minutes and all I can do is restart it and have that crappy error-check thing that does nothing but verify folders... Here's a link to a flash windows xp computer- its hilarious! try out every program and option! http://www.funnypart.com/funny_flash/windows_xp.shtml
  20. hmm contrary to my pm i sent you, luwigie, i might have probably two-three picture files hosted. theyre the background for my site, but id have to convince freewebs to let me use u rather than them, cuz it loads really slow with them... last time, i asked them if i could use an image uploading site instead of them and they said they wouldnt allow it because they said itd be "bandwidth theft" thats what the sites there for!- to host image files!!
  21. Cobra

    two things

    o, and i found what may be a cat5 wire thing in the stuff they gave us with the laptop. i tried hooking it up to my cable modem and the laptop, but nothing ever happens...
  22. Cobra

    two things

    well, quicktimes still acting stupid, though i did clear the settings. i had to go to regedit and manually delete it all. and hacking wouldnt be such a good idea, considering they put a buncha programs on the cpu that shows them exactly what im doing and have done. they also took away the priveledge for me to close that program... see? my schools smart/evil... however, theyre not smart enough to stop me from giving my cpu the order to restrict certain folders of my choice from every username but mine!
  23. Cobra

    two things

    its not 2000 on the laptop' date=' so no, no it wont... thats cat5 thing would probably work if i knew what it... you know... [i']was... im such a noob... and rockxp seems to just be able to retrieve the cd key...
  24. finally! some scores i can look at without my eyes popping out :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4964 Kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 606 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 89 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.69 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=3PLEWX58B :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 389 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Upload Speed is: 48 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 7 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 21.33 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=FL20EX5PN well, the dl speed is a bit lower than it should be, i think, cuz i dl 1 MB faster than that, but o well!
  25. spyyyyyyyyyyware
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