In the bandwidth test of the PLDT, I always get a good result of 2.5+ Mbps, but I don't believe its accuracy and credibility, I always go for the results of TMN.
For me, PLDT is way much better than its wireless counterpart, as a previous smartbro user, I'll prefer PLDT than its sister company, smartbro. The slowest speed that I could get with PLDT is even faster than the average speed of smartbro.
Well smartbro's got another service that they are offering. It's totally wireless, Plan 799, allows you to surf the net anywhere there's a PC. The Smart BRO USB modem is a small, palm-sized device that you can carry with you wherever you go. But it has a catch, it's LIMITED to only 40 hrs! And in excess of 40 hours will be charged P10 per block of 30 minutes! And i believe it totally sucked like smartbro, They don't even advertise it's speed, maybe they are ashamed of how slow it is.