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About kupalnasmartbro

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. i think 2 weeks ago, at this time(12:00 mn - 2:00 am) my connection speed is 350kbps but now... Smart Bro Subscriber Smart Bro Company
  2. guys, i've tried 2 ways of accessing/configuring the canopy page 1st http://www.testmy.net/t-18616.0 the first one was from elijahpaul. there is no problem accessing the canopy, and i copy the configuration settings according to the screen shot that he posted. and somehow the speed improves. but im not yet satisfied, it is only 90kbps.. 2nd way http://www.testmy.net/t-20597 the second one was this new way of accessing the canopy.i did the first step,but when im going to get my canopy ip address (arp -a through the cmd.exe),i have 1 extra ip address.the frst one is, then on the nxt line is then on the third line is and even if i try to retype the arp- a, a list of ip address appears. why does it happened? and i cant access on the canopy page even though i put the on the address bar.same on the what seemed to be the problem? if my canopy MS is blocked, why am i able to access the canopy config at elijahpaul's way? guys help..
  3. how does the cablenut work?coz i just download gourame's settings and i dont see the changes? do you have any other way to speed up a connection?i've tried the "20 ways..." and "how to tweak smartbro wifi" it is the changing of the canopy settings or configuring it..but it doesnt change my speed.. as of now, 2:30 am, im still looking for a way.. i hope you'll help me..
  4. sana merong batas laban sa mga kup*l na kompanya.. ano ba mas maganda cable or dsl? ano company?
  5. why does my download is slow??
  6. @fr0stbound i visit the url and do some changes, but unfortunately, the range deosnt match.. my sustained uplink/downlink data rate is 0--512kbps only, and my uplink/downlink busrt allocation is 768kbits it doesnt match on the screen shot.
  7. @elijahpaul Configuration => Quality of Service (QoS) Canopy Lite - 5.7GHz - Subscriber Module - 0a-00-3e-f9-35-00 Sustained Uplink Data Rate 0--512Kbps yours is 0--1000kbps Sustained Downlink Data Rate 0--512Kbps 0--1000kbps Uplink Burst Allocation : 0--768kbits 0--1500kbits Downlink Burst Allocation : 0--768kbits 0--1500kbits the rate isnt like yours. what should i put on my rates? hmm...i'll base my rateson your screen shot..
  8. DLoad UpLoad 12:41 PM low download
  9. my result after the 20 steps...maybe after a several hours, i'll try to do those 20 steps again..
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