guys, i've tried 2 ways of accessing/configuring the canopy page
the first one was from elijahpaul. there is no problem accessing the canopy, and i copy the configuration settings according to the screen shot that he posted. and somehow the speed improves. but im not yet satisfied, it is only 90kbps..
2nd way
the second one was this new way of accessing the canopy.i did the first step,but when im going to get my canopy ip address (arp -a through the cmd.exe),i have 1 extra ip address.the frst one is, then on the nxt line is then on the third line is
and even if i try to retype the arp- a, a list of ip address appears.
why does it happened?
and i cant access on the canopy page even though i put the on the address bar.same on the
what seemed to be the problem? if my canopy MS is blocked, why am i able to access the canopy config at elijahpaul's way?
guys help..