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About ryme

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. @frostbound im very thankful for those who help me.. now i know the real fact of the conversation.. thank you!!for enlightening that the base station is the problem not by tweaking is the solution!!tnx u frostboun! im so good to know that and learn from u guys..!!
  2. @frostbound u mean it depends on the base station ryt ?.. @azgauth u do anythin with your connection..?or because of the base station that's why your speed is improve?..
  3. @azgauth you mean that ur connection is normal .. ? w8 for my speedtest.. i will post to here ok..
  4. @frostbound help me..how azgauth do that..?improvement..help me..tnx
  5. @Azgauth ei..how can u do that..?big improvement to ur DL&UL,, can u tell me how u do that ?..tnx for the help dude!
  6. @Azgauth ei..how can u do that..?big improvement to ur DL&UL,, can u tell me how u do that ?..tnx for the help.. dude!
  7. what is the best site to download a torrent file .. ?..
  8. do all the tweaker.but nothings happen..my connection is normal..i do the tweaker but the speed is normal or not effective to me ?.. help me..guyz?..
  9. what is the most effective : cablenut or tcp optimizer?. tnx for the answer.. and can i ask.. what is the best setting for cablenut . . ? is the gourame is for cablenut setting ? ?..thanks you guys!!.. which of the two the j79zlr or gourame ?.. thank u guys.!!i'll wait for your feedback..
  10. is my connection is a good one?..
  11. here the other one what do u think my connection is good ??
  12. is my connection is ok?..
  13. help me guys.. is the gourame is for cable setting ?..
  14. @Azgauth r u using the cablenut.? or the tcp optimizer.. ? and the gourame is for the setting of cablenut?..
  15. @ecxzac2 u change the canopy setting or u use the tweaker only ?... tnx
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