I apologize for being so meticulous in smartbro technical aspect and in behalf of coolbuster2007's childlike reaction to my criticism and to some made by other members here in TMN...
Bad antenna to base station connection. You must inform the customer representative about this and ask for a field visit. Send them also an email report with a screenshot of the ping test.
You have a very poor and intermittent connection to the base station, I suggest you email that to the tech support of smartbro and ask for a field visit to fix your connection.. No tweaks can improve that
opendns worsen your connection better use the default from smartbro. Opendns will not work for our advantage if located outside US or Europe... common sense.
look there's a request timed out on opendns, whereas none on the smartbro dns.
Now you see the comparison, you decide for yourself whether you gonna use the opendns or stick to smartbro dns. I am not against with opendns, but I am just for common sense
That's what i mean, how about pinging this it's below 50 ms. If you gonna use opendns as dns server then the more it will slow your connection. clearly.
I guess the smartbro dns servers now are much better than before, i don't think if using opendns will improve the connection since the latency are much higher compared to the smartbro dns servers... better stick to the smartbro dns. Unless you are located somewhere in America or Europe.
FYI: opendns latency is around 250ms on average. whereas the smartbro is less than 50ms.
try pinging at the command prompt, type in ping -t .