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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by smartbroken_user

  1. I guess it won't work and get the same result. Since you are just changing the "size of the transmission channel" for download and upload.
  2. We'll I have tried it and I am currently using a stinger for SM. Somehow it improves the RSSI and jitter value. But the biggest issue is on the base station. No matter how good the signal we received or the (microwave link) but if their end is faulty then still we get a slow internet speed... Hope you can figure out how to tweak the bandwidth.hehe
  3. A dish(passive antenna/reflector) might be a good solution to increase the RSSI or the power received as it helps the antenna/SM to gather the signal. There's also a so called Stinger for Motorola canopy with the same purpose. But I don't think it is ultimate solution to burst the smartbro internet speed.
  4. comparison of speed results at 11:34 am: download speed by DAP = 64 kilobytes per sec = 512 Kbps netstat live real time speed = 65 kilobytes per sec = 525 Kbps testmy speed result less than 200 Kbps
  5. I can buy RJ-11 as many as i want and the UTP cable which is very common. :grin:
  6. hehehe here in our place too many suppliers
  7. Buster that is very easy to create!!! And I have made one for my self but then I misplaced it. I have used it to reset the SM to default settings. Common sense ! there are alot of websites including the motorola, You can download the SM manual and the how to create a Default Plug ( the connections and etc)...
  8. You can only get that speed result when the smartbro network is not congested like during in the morning. And that is not due to software tweaks that made your speed a little bit higher than 384 it's because smartbro ugraded its basestation capacity to 512 Kbps. You can view your account at the smartbro portal, they upgrade the plan from SMBRO (384Kbps) to WR512 (512kbs). Have a speed test at 7pm to 9pm, you will noticed that it will drop below 200 kbps and fluctuating.
  9. Because others claimed that software tweaks can boost your connection to the usual 384 Kbps speed, does not mean it's all true. Others might see a temporary improvement on their internet speed but most of them still suffer the poor low internet connection. Best advise I can share is for you to directly communicate this problem to the CSR and ask for field visit...
  10. My speed at 11:30 am, using netstat live software for real time bandwidth monitoring, download speed = 546 Kbps and ofcourse the testmy result. And also a result from other speed testing server.
  11. That's a hearsay :evil6:
  12. LOLz!!! Thick face :grin: What a strong dusty wind!! :2funny: so you want us to consider you as above average? Lolz!!! :evil6:
  13. No significant difference i guess. But if 2 PCs have same specs homed to different base stations ( one is busted and the other is excellent) then you can clearly see the difference... :wink: :wink: :wink:
  14. for average internet users such all of us in here (i assume) Windows Defender / Lavasoft adaware / Avast Antivirus / Windows Firewall are already tough enough for pc security. Unless you are Pentagon.
  15. Transfer to PLDT myDSL.
  16. That is weather weather only.
  17. LET THE WAR BEGIN!!! :grin:
  18. With regards to netsat, it is a small program that is free to use with no hidden charges. So far, I have not seen any compatibility issues and ofcourse we are only after to its bandwidth monitoring capability just like any other product that can monitor the instantaneous speed/bandwidth in real time.
  19. I'm a netstat live user. This software allows you to monitor your internet bandwidth (upload or download) independently from a bandwidth test servers. I qoute this from a website "Have you ever wondered just how fast your network connection is? Not just how fast the modem is connected at, but how much data you can actually get? Does your internet connection sometimes seem slower than normal? Forget hacking the registry or using counter-intuitive tools to get the information you want - enter the world of AnalogX NetStat Live (NSL)! NSL is a small, easy to use TCP/IP protocol monitor which can be used to see your exact throughput on both incoming and outgoing data - whether you're using a modem, cable modem, DSL, or even local network! NSL doesn't just stop there, it lets you see how quickly your data goes from your computer to another computer on the internet; it even will tell you how many other computers your data must go through to get there! But wait - there's more! NSL also graphs your CPU usage of your system! This can be especially useful in identifying if your computer is what's slowing things down, or if it's your internet connection." You can try it and make comparisons if you like.
  20. google rock!
  21. It's you who said that, I was shocked getting results higher than what i expected . Are you saying that the instantaneous bandwidth of your internet connection appearing in real time in net stat live is fake?
  22. I have a question @coolbust... How does the antivirus slows down the internet connection?
  23. If you like to see the real speed of your internet you can do it by simply, opening a website that will stream a video, and then download net stat live http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/network/nsl.htm, this will let you determine your real download rate. take a look at this picture as my example:
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