The LG Dare for Verizon is really good phone, just the web browsing could be a bit better. The only downside for me personally is that Verizon & Sprint are CDMA, i prefer GSM... But that's going to change for Verizon in a couple of years since they are going LTE(GSM). The iPhone is a sweet looking phone but it has it's good and bad like any other phone, I would consider it breakthrough technology.
If were you, I would chose the BB Curve... But if you want a more business phone go w/ the BB 8830. I would get that LG Glimmer for casual phone since it looks mighty fine.
I just downloaded the Safari browser from Apple and was wondering if you guys have as well done that, if so feedback? Please
My personal thoughts on it was, "WOW!" it really looks and feels smooth... Runs very smooth on my Vista laptop, I even consider it better than FF & FF3 or any other browser (Opera, etc.).
I went to go get my old iPhone replaced because I've been having issues with it. Waiting to see what new stuff apple has to offer this coming up mac world expo.
Yeah... I was looking at that one moment ago. I found a couple BUT they also have to many slots and the price tag is $$$. Some I dont even know if they have inverted motherboards... Atleast I tried to find you some.
Will try to find some more after I'm done doing stuff at the Apple store.