ok back to the friggin tweakin topic...i've tried everything up to the point that i was like kingkong climbin to reach mah canopy to freakin run it over by a sidecar...hehehe, i guess me frustrated as hell...but walla i remember just payin 999 for a month of smartbro, 33.3 a day, 1.38 an hour, d friggin parking boyz make more..har har har , point of the matter is this darn ppl won't be in bizniz if they can't cheat us or vice versa...moral of the story, if i can afford it, i'll switch to PLDTZ Empire 3.0 Mbps * 10 Free 100 MB e-mail accounts * 5 Static IP addresses *php14,500. Pray that i win the lotto n i'm givin away 10 free empirez...
ps. me still hopin that somehow, someone can find a way to hack this friggin smartbroz