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Everything posted by karlo

  1. karlo

    Hi guys

    I'm currently using a wireless broadband Internet, HSDPA connection, through my ZTE modem, and subscribed to Sun Cellular's 2mbps plan. Can someone help me out on how to optimize the connection? Here's the testmy.net result: I'm also usng the final version of Windows 7.
  2. I'm confused when accessing ur site. Can you make one article which has all the tweaks that I need.. example. for internet connectivity, all tweaks for windows xp etc... while reading you're site... i'm confused what to use.. dr tcip or cablenut...
  3. THIS IS NOT THE COMPETITOR'S SITE! edit to remove linking url to image
  4. Hi guys! LATEST UPDATE: I'm using Dial up! I'm not paying my SMARTBro anymore. Of course, it's been disconnected 3-6 months ago. And right now they are always sending me mails (through the postal service) that I need to pay 10-12 thousand pesos or else they're going to forward my name to the attorney etc... Recently I received a new mail from them, that If I will not reconnect my SMARTBro, someone will go over to my house and get the antenna, etc.. everything that SMARTBro owns. Hahaha. Anyway, I'm really confused on what ISP to use... As you can see above... DigitelOne is number one. Digitel Communications.. (http://home.digitelone.com/products/netvantage.htm) Of course, there's Globe Broadband (http://www.globelines.com.ph/DataServices_BusinessUse.php) MyDestiny (Cable Internet) - http://www.mydestiny.net or http://www.google.com/search?q=Destiny+Cable+Internet And let's not forget PLDT myDSL (http://www.pldtdsl.com/) But according to this site (http://thevoipresources.com/2007/09/30/my-review-of-globelines-broadband-budget-bundles-smart-bro-and-pldt-mydsl/) <--reviews of top 3 isp companies in my area (marikina) .. and their speed test results: (http://thevoipresources.com/2007/12/13/speed-test-of-globe-broadband-smart-bro-smart-3g-and-pldt-mydsl/) I'm also planning and very curious of Happy Internet (http://abuggedlife.com/2007/10/31/happy-internet-to-launch-wimax-service-in-2008/) and (http://www.happy.com.ph) and MyDestiny Cable Internet as well. But, BayanDSL, well I think their good enough and stable at the same time. http://www.bayandsl.com/resi/dslonly.html So, what to use? I like in Marikina City. I almost forgot... I'm also curious on using SUN Cellular Broadband (http://www.google.com/search?q=Sun+Cellular+Broadband) and Globe's Wireless Broadband (http://www.globelines.com.ph/DataServices_BusinessUse.php) edit...removed linking url to image...
  5. l personally think applying some of Coolbuster's tweaks will make your internet connection faster...
  6. MyDestiny is a CABLE INTERNET COMPANY in the Philippines.
  7. Jan. 31, 2008 around 12-12:51 AM After applying the newly modified coolbuster.ccs ... TEST No. 1 TEST No. 2
  8. 9:52 AM-Jan.30, 2008 modified coolbuster cablenut setting: canopy updated to 8.2
  9. i'll explain it later.
  10. just ignore it. it's a design.
  11. Can you post your Canopy's screenshot? The General Status and the QoS.
  12. Mine as of January 30, 2008 12:00 AM-1:00 AM: above, proxy off above, proxy ON: proxy[dot]smartbro[dot]net By the way, my speed won't be this, fast, thanks to coolbuster's CableNut settings! The speed above, after the update of my Canopy Software, yesterday or 2 days ago.
  13. coolbuster, you didn't reply to my previous post.
  14. Let me see if I can retrieve the screenshot I made earlier.
  15. I've tried using smartbro's 2 proxies, also checking the use proxy server for p2p option, everything went fast. can you test it on your pc if it really works?
  16. I see. I'm on dialup right now, because if you watched the news, a black out just happened, wide one around 2 am-3 am, but the electricity is back now. Someone is using my connection, since I don't have a router yet, I have a backup. Dial-up. By the way don't know why but I used OpenDNS on my dial-up account, and it's fast!!!!!! 50.6-52.0kbps !!! Hehehe... everyone here is lucky because they are near to the base station. Here at Marikina, don't know I think we only have one, at Malanday, ah, 60-70 users...
  17. Right now, i'm using my i-Tipid Prepaid Internet Card, yup Dial-up, brownout! (lights went out). SMARTBro does not work without electricity! It's a good thing I have backup. Dial-up! 2:10 AM-electricity went off here in Marikina. around a few minutes before 3 AM, electricity is back. According to the news some power plant in Batangas crashed. Anyway, I checked out coolbuster's wonderful blog, and I loved the idea of creating or merging applications which will make a SMARTBro subscriber's connection faster. Question, how can we have it? Downloadable version? CD? How? How can we pay? PM me, can you give me something like a teaser for it? Oh yeah, I used OpenDNS on my Dial-up account. Hmm... fast!
  18. I can see that you can now access your Canopy. Ok, have you tried the AP Eval tab or feature of your Canopy and pressing Rescan AP several times? You'll see an Index number, check your current Index number first, then press Rescan AP, several times, then check your Index from the list. Post the SectorUserCount and RSSI and Jitter. I'll analyze the results. Oh yeah, on the General or the Home section of the Canopy page, tell me how far away you are from the base station.
  19. how about portforwarding, i've tried the program, what do you think about the problems i'm encountering in configuring the program? is it normal?
  20. Actually you are every lucky to have an RSSI of 1000+ and a PowerLevel of greater than -70. Wanna see mine?
  21. I've tried port forwarding, I receive a message that I should pay etc.. PFConfig, anyway, ah, for example a Private Tracker site, IP-MART Forums says that DHT is disabled, so, I don't have to manually disable my DHT right? Because it's automatic, as for public torrents, will it work? What is DHT by the way?
  22. I set it to Disabled. To be sure.
  23. After upgrading my Canopy 8.1.5 SM-DES to Canopy 8.2-DES, here's my speed: Still the same: [snip] DO NOT POST THESE IMAGES My New Canopy 8.2-DES Do you think the enabling the broadcast thing at the settings above[/]b, do you think it will boost it's speed? Please reply... unsatisfied... To know your Canopy Address: Just change your IP Address to the following: A) C) D) Then go to START>RUN type: cmd PRESS ENTER Type: arp-a Copy and enter the IP Address that starts with 10.x.x.x. Some Canopy(s) starts with the 10 series not with the traditional 169.x.x.x edit: to remove forbidden image
  24. so, which of the two is better?
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