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About Enzone26

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. day 2 connection down again and i have 25% lost in my connection..
  2. my browser home page is yahoo
  3. I'll go for AMD chips it's affordable and durable.
  4. check out this link. http://www.testmy.net/t-20597.0 follow all instructions carefully.. GoodLuck!!
  5. This is a dial-up.. connection!..
  6. they attach it into my roof but the pole they were used is only 3 feet.. BTW my current index is 0 (range of jitter is 3-7) (range of rssi 470-580).
  7. hey guys i'm just asking, what is the ideal height of the canopy antenna? my antenna is.. i think 3 feet higher than in my roof.
  8. @ ianonline is that means in my basestation there's only one access point? and the other's came from other base station?
  9. 217 yes is good but when i'm tying to change this what will happen..
  10. here is my ap evaluation
  11. tweak it back again and running only on single pc now here's my result there's a little changes..
  12. I reset back to original configuration my canopy and sharing my 3 pc's. this is my speed then later i'll try to tweak it again to see what's the different.
  13. i mean this one http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=21175.0;highlight=20+steps
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