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Everything posted by Dude111

  1. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/27/windows_phone_location_tracking No surprise at all!! Im glad i dont own even a basic cell phone! (I havent ever liked any of this newer stuff,its all spying garbage)
  2. http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/internet-explorer-6-retire.html EXCELLENT ARTICLE!! The problem is with Web developers, not the browser Indeed!!! People are so lazy and want to do the quickest job they can and it results in GARBAGE!! Web design has gone WAY DOWN THE TUBES and its just sad...... TAKE THE EXTRA TIME TO MAKE YOUR SITE LOOK GOOD!!!!! Way too many ppl have lost thier sense of 'WHATS GOOD' and its very sad....... EXCELLENT,EXCELLENT ARTICLE!!!!!!
  3. Welcome ashore my friend
  4. Indeed you can Whoever wrote this article doesnt know much do they?
  5. Im sorry your sick,i will say a prayer for you my friend I found some threads where people were saying the kind of wondering why IPB didnt include that in this program!! (Its basic) http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/315025- You shouldnt have to add anything,this should be already added!! Hmmmmm .. Please get well my friend
  6. I was just curious,i can view everything on my profile EVEN AS A GUEST! On VBB you can block it if you want to so no one can see it,anyone know how to do it on IPB? Kinda curious
  7. Indeed..... Freeing up the resources IS ALWAYS A PLUS
  8. Welcome ashore my friend
  9. Well FREE DIAL UPS are good for BS surfing,etc....... Im sure you get plastered with ads! (Cant ISPs inject and push ads to your browser??)
  10. We are always reading about things we should do,without really questioning whether we need to be doing them in the first place. http://lifehacker.com/5033518 Well several of those things listed DO IN FACT help things! Cleaning Prefetch files IS ALWAYS A BIG HELP IF YOUR ON XP,ETC that uses Prefetch!! And cleaning your registry is a big help also.. (The cleaner your reg is OF UN-NEEDED things,the faster response you will notice (Its like keeping your dresser drawers neat and in order)) I do agree with this on the page "Disabling Shadow Copy/System Restore Improves Performance" IT IS STUPID TO DISABLE THIS...YOU SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE @ LEAST 1 BACKUP IN CASE YOU NEED IT!
  11. I didnt realize a staff member had started this thread when i saw the title and i thought it was just someone bitching about the site!
  12. Yes they are very much AGAINST SPAMMERS and have nothing against exposing them!! (Too bad hardily anyone will do this,maybe the spam on the internet would be severly cut down!)
  13. Very good BASIC info on 802.11 connections,etc... http://www.bb-elec.com/tech_articles/80211_basics.asp
  14. I found the search feature Damon!! http://www.testmy.net/ipb?app=core&module=search Now i can search when i visit and find my threads
  15. I left you a PM my friend,i dont know if ya got it or not.... Oh,i cant find a SEARCH feature.. (To look for threads i have posted in,etc) And is DTT (Database thread tracking) enabled on this or COOKIE BASED TRACKING?? (On your SMF site "Database thread tracking" was enabled) Ah well,ttyl my friend!
  16. Im sorry Damon i wasnt here before you paid $$$ for IPB (I could have saved ya $$$ i think) Ya your doing alot of things right my friend So you didnt like the look of SMF2 either huh? (IF A CLASSIC SKIN WAS USED IT ISNT BAD BUT IT STILL DOESNT RENDER 100% IN ALL AREAS)) Isnt it sad how stuff keeps getting worse?? (Web design,etc) Good to hear from you my friend!
  17. Boy i havent been here for awhile and i come back and find IPB and the Political Message Base open again (Lets behave there guys) and so much more!! Boy that last version of SMF on here WAS HORRID!!! -- I couldnt logout!! (I didnt see it listed anywhere on the skin i was using) After i visited 1 time and couldnt logout i said "This poor sites going downhill and i dont know if the staff will listen to my help offerings So i stopped visiting. (I was sad cause i like it here!) I do have a suggestion if you guys decide to goto something even better than this... I recommend MYBB - http://www.mybboard.net -- BEST FREE OPTION!! Let me explain Alot of sites i am on are VBB SITES (Vbulletin) and they are slowly upgrading to that terrible garbage called VB4 (UTTER TRASH) and i have been pleading with staff NOT TO GOTO VB4,if they feel the need to upgrade for whatever reason,PLEASE GOTO MYBB (Best ever) I have lost 4 VBB sites the last week to vb4 (I dont visit them anymore it is that bad!!) Site looks better on IPB than it did on the last rendition of SMF Thanx guys!!
  18. ...its just that people are too lazy to do it right! http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign/abdesign3.html Excellent tips on how to make your site render correctly in ANY BROWSER!! (Doesnt quite look right in IE6 this new skin,would the staff be willing to give us a CLASSIC SMF skin?) They have a nice discussion site there also
  19. This is awesome! Ya get 10,000 Megs of space,etc....... http://www.glidedigital.com The mobile version is good too http://www.glidemobile.com Another good one > http://www.andrewmin.com/webx
  20. You guys can set these settings BY GROUP On 1 VBB site im on for example,NEW USERS MUST WAIT 90 SECONDS BETWEEN POSTINGS ... All other groups is set to 10 seconds between posts.. You could probably do that here also so the posting restriction only affects the NEW MEMBER group (Under 5 posts??)
  21. I would say DIRECTV (except for the fact they have XM for music now (which is garbage (Since sirius destroyed them)))
  22. Its quite annoying thats for sure!! No reason for it really,just continue to filter out the BOTS w/o doing this un-needed stuff that causes more issues than its worth
  23. For the last few months now it is VERY HARD for me to post anything on this site!! It says "The last posting from your IP was less then 60 seconds ago,etc" This happens WHEN I FIRST LOGON AND POST!! I dunno why no one cares to fix things wrong with thier sites (Its not just here but the net in general) I may have to try to submit this 10 or more times before it accepts it..... This started happening a few months ago..... PLEASE FIX THIS!!
  24. http://fastfreedialup.com No signs up,no registration or anything.... Just dial in!! (Many #s across the country listed!!)
  25. Yes i suppose........ Thanx Tommie
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