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Posts posted by pixiepistlz

  1. I love bird stories. Thanks Coknuck for posting. ....damn, I waz starting to think Roco was a myth as well    [nerdly]... that makes 3 so far. Stank_Ho, Ca3le, and Roco. :shocked: BTW..the eagle has intense eyes, I have noticed that over the years. very hypnotic. :shock:

  2. Congratulations! The best days are when babies are born. I am getting teary now.  Tdawnaz is so right about the music and talking. It stimulates their developing minds even in the womb. Get some Baby Einstein CD's . Never too early to begin. They do grow so fast. I thought when mine were in diapers that it would never end, but it DOES and I am saying take each moment as it comes and hold on tight, yes , even when you get spit up on . Breath in the smell  of babies after a bath. The most wonderful smell.. Save money as much as possible as they require alot of maintenance. Diapers cost alot for the month. Start shopping early now and stock up . I don't care if you have a room full of stuff, babies go though clothes every week it seems. They grow so fast . Shop sales and look for bargains.Get all the equipment you will need as the months go along. You will need everything once he or she arrives and neither one of you want to take newborns out looking for supplies. When you first come home from the hospital, you will want to relax and enjoy this most precious and so brief moment while you can. You and your wife and newborn will have alot of adjustments as well as babies are around the clock care and so worth it. Damn my Baby clock is ticking.......again..

  3. Well come down from your treehouse ya monkey and use your flashlight.

    (by the way they stray off topic, I just get lost naturally ) 

    Well come down from your treehouse ya monkey and use your flashlight.
  4. :occasion14::welcome:  Hey, don't know about the drink, but the conversations range from the normal to the absurd to the perverted and outlandish and I have never seen one stay on topic.. I am sure you will find a good middle ground somewhere. Glad to see another female on here. Sit back and enjoy the site.  :smitten:
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