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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. Pretty Sweet!! Check it out!! http://www.google.com/romance/
  2. I have a couple of real, real important questions for someone who had the MAC version of Photoshop CS2 Thank you
  3. well...umm...okay, but that's not charter...
  4. I'm happy so far with Kaspersky...it seems like a great program!
  5. Thanks guys, got it workin!
  6. i tried, kaspersky's site isn't comin up on my end
  7. Yea, well, it comes with Anti-Hacker, but i don't have a working key file to get the program to run..lol
  8. well, what exact Kaspersky Product are you using? I also have Internet Security 5.0.388, should i be using that instead?
  9. I am using Kasperksy Personal Security Suite, i need to know now before i get something i don't want (say virus), Do i need a seperate firewall?? And which one do i use?
  10. Dood, holy crap, you have a lot of tray icons...jeez...haha, take some things outta startup! haha...it'll speed up your pc lots! lol...though i don't know why i'm telling this to you...you probably knew that before i was born...hahahaha
  11. it's prolly cached...grr...lol
  12. lol, that's a bit better...lol
  13. Okay, I'm simply going to say this, don't gimme any shit. I HATE PEOPLE WHO F***ING JUST TELL YOU TO GO TO GOOGLE!!!!!!!11 If the guy hadn't thought to go to google already, why the hell would he have posted his question here? If google is the eternal answer then why is there a help forum on here at all?? damn people!
  14. yea, becuz i don't think i would ever be able to stand a connection that slow...i'm serious...lol
  15. haha, i just think that a frac. t1 should be a lot faster than that!!
  16. lol...yea, i suck, i know
  17. ah, then what's up with your sig? haha
  18. Haha!! this is so cool! and i haven't been on any of the times!!
  19. umm...am I missing something?? lol
  20. I'm sure glad that I'm a, well, I guess you could call me a long timer...lol...of this place, and especially that I have recieved Expert status It makes me smile inside when I see underneath my name the word "Expert" and 10 shiny stars..lol...
  21. Well, yea, 1 gig of ram would be a great upgrade, but my radeon x300 only has a heatsink (cheap little plastic one) and like i said i can boost it up to 245 or so on the memory end and it never has hurt it a bit....if u wanna upgrade, go for it, i just don't really see the reason at all...lol
  22. okey, guys!! I have a pentium d 830 and a gig of ram...DON'T UPGRADE YOUR VID CARD... lol... I will let you in on a little secret that i have stumbled across: ATITool NOTE: Yes, this is an overclocking program, but a "safe" one...lol I personally have a RADEON x300 with 128 megs of RAM also...my default clocks on it are 324 MHz Core and 196 MHz Memory. Now: When I go into ATITool, i boost the memory only up to 254 MHz, and while, yes, the fan comes on, it significantly ups my framerate. This has been tested in Half Life, Half Life 2, Counterstrike, CS: Source, and Need For Speed Underground 2. In other words, without overclocking, I have a pretty bad card...but by doing this simple step i can get the performance of a lot better card, which i would never have expected out of this thing~! PLEASE--DO NOT GIVE ME SH*T ABOUT SUGGESTING THAT THIS GUY OVERCLOCK!! This will make a huge difference in gaming performance, trust me...and, i of course reset the card to the default when i'm done gaming, lol...that's a biggie soooo..install ATITool, and tell me what it shows as your default MHz values for Core and Memory, and i'll help ya out
  23. haha, yea, you and 3 others too...lol!! :haha:
  24. Well, it's actully a pc language course for the pc....yea, I got like 18 languages sittin on my pc...lol....i know i got Spanish, French, German, Arabic, umm...Thai, Japanese, Chinese...lol....etc.. Lemme know whatcha need
  25. hey, just use bittornado...it always works great. Also, note that it is bittorrent so don't forget that it may just not have enough seeders to make it go very fast. Also: especially in bittornado the upload is proportional to your download, so I set mine to 13 up, and it can get up to about 360 down. if I bump it down to abot 10 or so, it will get up higher...so...lol
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