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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. Yea, i never really looked into Nod32, but i got the latest Kaspersky, so...lol...I'm happy
  2. you could always run it through a proxy...are you trying to listen to music or stream it out onto the net from a school computer?
  3. soo, uh, is this meant to be sarcastic or what? lol
  4. what problems are there with the *cough*gay*cough* xbox 360?
  5. Yea, i know, that's where i got my build 5231 dvd...lol
  6. Man, microsoft is really going to screw themselves over on this one.. This is going to be on isohunt before you can say "Microsoft Blows!!" haha In fact, it already is! if someone wants it they can find it on their own...
  7. lol...i'm glad it worked out for you... btw, what version are you using??
  8. disturbed, are you rich man??
  9. post the first topic on mycingular.net It's slow. Though, it is also Cingular, who charges you for each kilobyte you transfer. The customer service reps tell me that it's supposed to run at about fax speed, as in 9-14 kbps...lol
  10. umm...may i throw my 2 cents in? please? AVOID NORTON AT ALL COSTS! lol...trust me...i went from Norton SystemWorks 2005 to Kaspersky Anti-Virus and Anti-Hacker, and my system is running sooo much better.. though, if you must stay with Norton, check the disc (if it's installing off a disc that is...lol) I think Norton is trying to Quarintine a virus while it is installing...that might be the problem...maybe, maybe not...lol
  11. WElcome to the forums noodlz!! I love your name...rofl! it's brilliant
  12. @richcornucopia: what ever you got will do...it originally had a 19 gig in it..and that died when i took it to a gaming party...ugghh @Swimmer: the computer is way otoo old, im sure there's no warrenty left...lol...thank you for the idea, though
  13. hahahah!!! yea, i remember that!! omg that was funny! "uh, yea, just a minute folks.."
  14. someone? i really need one...badly....if my mom finds out that the one we had died she'll...well, to say the least, be pretty mad If anyone has one that they can part with, i will gladly take it off your hands...please
  15. hey man, i forgot to mention, i am installing Red Hat 9 on my old HP as we speak We cool? hahaha I got a ATI Radeon x300 on this baby, with 128 mb dedicated vid ram... i think that'll get me by.. And, yes, you're completely correct, Vista does need a real powerful GPU, i have already used Vista on an old AMD Duron 910 MHz with 128 MB of ram and on-board video.. and it ran like crap. lol
  16. ya think i'll be ok with a: Pentium D 3.0 GHz 1.0 GB ram 300 gig SATA hd ya think that'll be enough??
  17. All i have to say is typical microsoft rofl
  18. yes, the weekly world news constantly leaves me lmao in line at Stater Bros...rofl.. and those damn space aliens seem to keep coming back, now don't they?
  19. hahahaha, yea, that's something i completely expect from the Weekly World News...rofl!
  20. lol...yea, i see your point.... though..swimmer is in college..and i'm in high school... just keep it between us...hah ah, i love this place...i hope i don't slip into the category of school kid, i kinda hope i'm above that if ya know what i mean.. forgot to mention btw--i'm on spring break this week...rofl
  21. omfg, yea, i think i'm scarred for life also....that's fucking great..
  22. i don't count as one of them, do i?
  23. yea, really, when it first came out, my friend had it and i was like "Cool!!" (i didn't have a pc at all..lol) but then it slowly got crappy...haha
  24. hahaha, rofl http://www.rofl.name/asciiart/ like i said, rofl
  25. http://www.divx.com/products/experts/index.php?ID=11 read the first paragraph about Windows ME lol lmao
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