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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. ahahah you're complaining about having linux? lol
  2. ahah...dang, that computer looks really confused lol....seriously
  3. Yay!! Thanks again to all of you wonderful people
  4. cool, cool, thanks guys!! btw, you should listen to the FtheCC.mp3 it's a great song
  5. Lemme know if you can see this: http://brennan.serveftp.com/music/ Please.... for some very odd reason my server has been down for days now and i have done nothing to my firewall settings...i think i fixededed it lol (this server is running off the same computer i'm posting this on) grrrrrr....
  6. Yea, i just did it a few minutes ago and this woman answered and was like "Hello?.....Hello??? Helloooo???" *Click* ahahaa i skype
  7. So, um, has anyone other than me discovered that Skype is great for prank calls? I mean, as long as you don't have a SkypeIn number, there is absolutely no way for the person to trace the call back to you!! It comes to their phone as 000-123-4567
  8. yea, that occured to me after i posted this lol thanks!
  9. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, Winamp will just flip and reverse a video when i open it. And it apparently depends on the video file itself, becasue there is nothing i can do about it!! What the hell?? Can someone help me please? This is getting real annoying, real fast
  10. what the hell are you guys talking about? I never heard abou this thingy...
  11. They are quite funny lol...
  12. well, i might as well lol myspace.com/indestructable0001 yea, i admit it, i have a myspace, though i am by no means addicted, becuz that's bullshiite lol
  13. well, i suppose that's actually a good thing, so that it doesn't waste the battery as it gets lower and lower, but try goin into bios and seeing if there is a setting to turn that off, there might be..
  14. okay guys, the guy who was gonna send it couldn't cuz it turned out to be bad, soo... as the topic title states: i am in need of an ide hard drive (still) lol if anyonen has one, i would much appreciate it, and sorry, i got no money to spend, i've already been to all the pc shops and they are charging an arm and leg for one....i mean, what is it to them??? thanks
  15. what do you mean SMF? and SFM? there certainley is a big performance differencial lol
  16. i got xp to work on my neighbor's 233 mhz, so....
  17. i have it in my Pentium D, what it does is (in order to save power ) is it bumps the core cpu speed down to 2.79 GHz, and when it is under any sort of heavy(er) load, it will bump it back up to 3.0 GHz...lol...which i want it to always be at, duh.... just found the setting to switch the speed managment feature off in bios a few minutes ago, and lemme tell you, i can see and feel the difference of having this baby always run @ 3.0GHz even when i don't need it!! lol.... anyway, if anyone else has this feature in their computer, turn it off... you'll be glad
  18. or if microsoft knew how to update people's computers!! hahaha
  19. rofl...dude, i'm not calling you an idiot by any stretch, but why the hell did you plug in a hd while the thing was on?? :haha: I was laughing my donkey off reading that
  20. i prefer Deer Park Alpha 2 for those of you who know what i'm talking about, lol...if you don't, ask me
  21. Wahhhheeeeee!!!!! "Hey, Shutup!" rofl...firefox pownes hahaha
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