if you're a windows user and want to experience linux, go with mandriva, the closest linux build to windows.
smallest footprint for me is puppy linux retro, which you will not use since you have an old hard disk and a fast computer with lots of ram.
try most, if not all distros before you decide.
better if you can install virtualbox inside windows so you can try distros without even bothering your windows environment.
good luck...
aside from KDE and GNOME, don't forget XFCE at, the lightest of them all. this can resurrect very old PCs, if you have one.
probably the easiest to install and co-exist with windows is ubuntu, the one that can be installed inside the windows environment, through wubi.
have you tried this one?
or maybe you just have to do a port scan.
i'll be back later...
maybe your mom's computer is in a spot that is difficult for a wireless signal to penetrate. have you tried relocating her pc?
move it somewhere near a window perhaps.
just a wild guess..
got the same problem with most of you.
here's how to view it...
Please Do Not click the link below. h zuHnQ
just copy the whole line above; then PasTe it on a new window or tab; paste only
edit the pasted link; make sure that there are NO Spaces, BEfore pressing the enter key
enjoy what mudmanc4 shared...
i respectfully suggest that whenever a thread or a problem posed by users is solved in this site, "SOLVED" or "CASE CLOSED" be posted on that specific Solved thread.
thanks mudmanc4 for the reminder. i'm a new user, remember?
mudmanc4, maybe your worries are over now.
but just the same, you can visit this site:
hope this will help others too...
==> Isn't there a Linux CD(repair function) that will crack your Windows password and get you in? I've forgotten the details on it, so you will have to search.
zalternate, maybe you were looking for Ophcrack!
hope this helps...
==> How can i tweak my mothers computer if it is a old computer with win xp home swedish version. i did it once before and i success but i dont remember what i did. it
to go to the Fonts Folder in Vista...
1. Start
2. Control Panel
3. Classic View
4. Fonts ==> your Vista's Fonts folder
to Install New Fonts: continue...
5. File
6. Install New Font
7. Check Copy fonts to Fonts folder
7. click the location of your New Font/s
8. Click Install
9. enjoy...
hope this helps.
better look for a second time!
that may be spelled svCchost.exe, double letter C, NOT svchost.exe only. SVCCHOST.exe is a trojan.
hope this helps.