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Everything posted by just-

  1. hi Deastbrook and welcome to the forum well your internet is being compared to verizon fiber and stuff like that so what are u paying for in ur package of DSL ? 1MB or 2MB ?? what is ur advertised speed
  2. tell them the latency between you and your 1st HOP is very long it should be under 100ms (mili seconds) and you are on the thousands in the 1st hop talk to them about latency that is like when u type a website it takes long time for it to start loading
  3. This topic has been moved to Verizon Online FIOS. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=11228.0[/iurl]
  4. Raid in your LAPTOP If you have a slick laptop like i do with built in raid on the motherboard you need to activate your raid by flicking a switch in the motherboard. Also you can find your self with a laptop or desktop with no floppy drive, don't panic, but before you do anything make sure you have a windows xp CD with slipstreemed drivers on it. you can do slipstreemed CD following this instructions ****ATTENTION ITS NOT EASY***** i have tried to do this steps 1. Copy the entire contents of your Windows XP Recovery CD to a folder on your notebook 2. Download the tool nLite from website http://www.nliteos.com/ 3. If not already installed please visit Windows Update to download and install the .net framework from the optional updates section 4. Locate the file txtsetup.sif within the contents of the Recovery CD that you copied to your hard drive. You can either search for this or find it in the folder I386. 5. Edit this file using notepad 6. Find the line saying USBVID_054C&PID_0023 = "usbstor" 7. Beneath this line add a line as follows: USBVID_054C&PID_002C = "usbstor" 8. Follow the prompts in the nLite tool to first show it the location of your Recovery CD folder on your hard drive and then use the option to create a bootable ISO. This tool will also allow advanced users to integrate RAID or ATA driver at this stage but please see the application's own docuementation for this. 9. Once you have created and saved the bootable ISO, double click on it to burn it to a blank CDR using Roxio. DiscMaster users should open discmaster and use the option to import an ISO in order to burn their new disc. 10. Boot from the new disc and press F6 when prompted to install RAID/ATA drivers. i had an error i nthe program http://www.nliteos.com/ when i was trying to load more drivers it gave me an error but it created an iso so i dont know if the drivers were intregrated or not 2nd thing was i didnt edit the text file so i think it might be that problem because i forgot to edit the text file and change the USBVID_054C&PID_0023 = "usbstor" some laptops you can plug a USB floppy drive on a special usb port and ask your bios to boot from usb 1st it also can be a possibility i got my raid on my laptop working with the CD best of luck to you
  5. http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/71508/wo/S66ELnQZyRey2OGCdVe16tAClhS/0.SLID?nclm=MacBookPro&mco=4299212C which one they have various specs and stuff which one is yours?
  6. yeah but it rocks i think those 4 graphics cards are probably the size of my desktop yes i got a mini deskop for free the other day but still my laptop is more powerfull
  7. This topic has been moved to HELP!. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=11165.0[/iurl]
  8. utorrent rocks i only use it to download legal stuff only LEGAL stuff guys
  9. Did you guys had a look at the oiled cooled pc topic http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=10955.0 check it out
  10. i am not reading this topic yet i am waiting for my mate to download them and give them to me on CD i don't download illegal stuff i live in the UK so it takes a while for it to air on TV here so i got to download it (well not me)
  11. Wondering if anyone in there has plus.net i have it and i pay quite cheap internet for 2MB unlimited 17.99 the catch is that during peak times they give prioraty to http traffic and voip rather then my p2p download and stuff like that i still get good pings in games only had problems twice in 2 months this month some one managed to crack my wep encrypion key and has been leeching out of me after being away for the weekend i came home to see 3 emails about my usage and how they are downgrading me because i downloaed to much in other words slowing down my connection some ##### leecher in my buidling is really pissing me off hate that guy which i had a wireless device to trace him and kick the hell out of him rrrrrrrrrr
  12. explain !!! i think this is someone else but what a hell of a coincidence damon is this you?
  13. if only the problem with vista was the hardware the problem is all the bugs it will have that is what really sucks about windows
  14. what is ur advertised speed ? never heard of that isp
  15. hi dj2stalker and welcome to the forum that is some sweet speed you have there are you happy with ur service so far ?
  16. yeah that would be mental i dont think u could set it up with windows and on linux or bsd machine u would have hell of trouble doing it
  17. external powersupply that sucks and firewire WHAT who uses it apple the creaters of firewire have dropped it LOL sweet keyboard btw
  18. i am still at the part of where the plain crashed in the pentagon i mean its so obvious just pisses me off
  19. been watching the movie at work maybe 30min into it really scarry and anoying i dont believe every thing i see there but you have to admit some stuff looks suspecious doesnt it? rrrrrrr makes me furious
  20. p2p yeah it has been like 3 months since i downloaded anything but yeah i got it because of that Gaming - counter strike source rocks Home Networking - im hooked up to networking is what i do for a living Faster Porn - i dont have a gf sometimes im lonely LOLLLLLLLLLL internet rocks
  21. its a cable tv/broadband splitter i didnt know they used it in the usa i have seen it in cable connections in portugal and in the uk
  22. thats cool should see some mac with intel (leap ahead) processors u think they will be the same architecture as pc so we can run our aps on them ?
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