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Everything posted by just-

  1. they cant be and alienware do sweet machines same thing as voodoo really
  2. it can't conduct at all otherwise you are fried AT ALL damn some people have some imagination lol
  3. Voodoo ENVY u:709: Featuring the AMD Athlon FX and Dual Core desktop processors from AMD.This makes it the worlds fastest notebook, period - nothing touches it. http://www.voodoopc.com/showroom.aspx?productID=1083 4000 dollars but the best laptop out there
  4. do you want something very portable or just the best laptop EVER
  5. have done them in the past but i dont do them this days, the ones i have are enough for the house maybe 2 years since i did my last one
  6. that would not be cool ould it ?
  7. u probably can buy one ur self and mout it on the laptop let us know if u need help
  8. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=10879.0[/iurl]
  9. hi Rebrov always nice to see someone from the uk well you connection is 2mb down and 256kp upload so u should use the 2Mb file from vanburen you dont have 2000upload u got 2000 download its the other way around vanburen doesnt have any tweak for 2mb dsl line have u made ur own in the website he recomends and loaded it up ?
  10. tried tightvnc didnt like it at all using VNC working fine atm
  11. can we see a picture of that awsome keyboard ?
  12. thats an old one but still sick as hell man my stomach is going around now
  13. i put TightVnc in the voting option but not going for anything web based no thanks
  14. so to answer your question: Does a server with lower pings use less bandwidth? No
  15. Hi guys so i have a laptop and a desktop from my laptop i can remotely manage my desktop. i am using Remote Desktop Connection from windows and it sucks every time i restart my machine it stop at a login screen because it has a password, i can't remote desktop into it until i log in once. so really every time i restart i need to go to the machine and log it in, LOL its stupid so its either something I'm not doing right with the remote desktop management or it just works like that so i have used radmin and i like it but i think i need to log in a 1st time also before i can log into it so tell me guys what do i do and what do i use ?
  16. ok i can do remote desktop sharing via windows horray
  17. maxed out my poor 2MB 2006-01-05 18:37:28 EST: 1809 / 242 Your download speed : 1809 kbps or 226.1 KB/sec. Your upload speed : 242 kbps or 30.2 KB/sec.
  18. only problems with the xbox 360 then i guess glad im not into consoles
  19. does sound anything for the new future like 2 to 5 years in my opinion ill be here to see does any one belive this will be available to the public in less then 2 years ?
  20. why do u think this is a problem with the router and not a problem with the computer downstairs (main).
  21. so not many people going from what i see in the results i will add an option for the people that are not going like me
  22. i have heard of that one also which one is better VNC or radmin ?
  23. Hi there guys i admit i dont know much about wake up on LAN and remote management that is why i need you help. I have a laptop and a desktop. the desktop i have is a fresh install of windows xp pro, i dont have a screen nor keyboard nor a mouse for it. i want to turn that machine into a network attached storage but that is not why i am posting this. i am posting this topic because i want to access the desktop of the machine with my existing laptop connecting to it via an ethernet cable. i dont know if there is a cd or a software i could install that would allow me to remote manage it without having to get a screen. please don't suggest for me to install remote administrator or activate remote desktop sharing from windows because all those requier for me to 1st get a screen, yes i could borough a screen from a friend and do that but i wonder if there is some other way around this. so how do i get to my machine without getting a screen for it ? thank you all for your help
  24. can't wait for friday this would be a BOMB news if it is ever true Google (Nasdaq: GOOG - message board) and Wal-Mart are both denying reports that the two are planning to market low-priced, Google PCs via Wal-Mart stores.
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