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Everything posted by JustinOhioRR

  1. lol...thanks basik.... i think i tried that (haha) yea i did lol not trying to be a smartass..... sry
  2. so yeah, i disabled it in windows....and it loaded fine, but only came up 640/480 and 24 colors.....is that drivers? i never tried it in BIOS, maybe i should try that? Thanks for the info!
  3. I currently have a PCI Voodoo3 that i have installed for when i play quake... Now, i really dotn wanna use that Integrated anymore becuase it steals ram and lags the shit out of good games.... If i disable it in bios, how in the hell will the comptuer know where to send the information? Thanks
  4. dood....cd roms and dvd roms should i have jumpers, are you sure you have both cd roms hooked up to the same data ribbon? thats the only thing that will give you problems check the cd rom jumpers and check thecable, DONT let it be connected to the HD IDE cable...especially fi they are both set at master.....
  5. ahh but your wrong....yes.....dsl needs closer to source....BUT, the farther you are away from the main hop, the more hops you have to go through to get to your house... DSL= Dedicated - Your Own Speed Cable= Bus Topology - Shared w/neighbors on 1 router.
  6. HOLY SHIT!! I PAY 44.95 FOR ::: PRAIRIE STAR 3000 $239.99 3000K
  7. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2875 Kbps about 2.9 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB) Download Speed is:: 351 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 51 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.92 second(s) ok...you win
  8. your speed should rule though being that close
  9. look @ your pc specs compared to mine Work Stats: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1136 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Download Speed is:: 139 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 20 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 7.37 second(s) Yukkie!
  10. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3371 Kbps about 3.4 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 412 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 60 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.49 second(s) about 45K faster than Cablenut helped, I APPRECIATE ALL YOUR HELP ALL OF YOU!! I am now getting 3.4 MBps conection while paying for a 3mbps
  11. all i can say is, if you go to that direcwaysux.com and look at the staff of direcway....you'll know why.... now im NOT racist, BUT, they are known to love to (beep) people......now excuse my language i just cant take any more (beeeep) arabs stealing our country...im sick and (beeeep) tired of it!!! Edit by RTB: even it's if not racism, you're being very negative towards a race. Message censored.
  12. can i say fuck still? thats all i care about
  13. thats fnny shit, only becuase its happened to me before!!!
  14. So i loaded a XP bootscren picture instead of the regular one, BUT I REALLY DOTN LIKE IT!!! how the hell do i remove it?!?! please help!!!!
  15. here is my new XP desktop!
  16. So me and s1. have been playin around in his hub, and was wondering if anyone used the program and would like to join his hub.. thehubness.no-ip.org:1090 is the address, feel free to stop by and hang out, one of us is usually there and if not, there are around 120 users and 3Terabytes of information avaialable If you do not have DC++, here is a link to donwload it! http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dcplusplus/DCPlusPlus-0.667.exe?download Thanks In advance for your cooperation and soon I'll be seeing you on our hub! Justin
  17. so i try to use those win2k/xp css files....and it say's, you are trying to view 2k/xp files while running 98/95/me, wtf is that? lol vanburen can you tell me what to input in the adjuster screen? im on 3000/384 Road Runner service, thanks!
  18. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2131 Kbps about 2.1 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Download Speed is:: 260 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 38 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.94 second(s) Those are speed on XP not tweaked, come on, i know it can be around 450/500 w/VanBuren hookin it up! Justin
  19. hmm.....the 3/368 is 29.95....is that comparable to road runner? ive never played on DSL so i dont know how it works n shit
  20. anyone have it? ups and downs to it? better than road runner? i just dont know much about it and they are having a deal in my area, for like 20 bucks a month for a year and free modem and install....just curious on what and how it works, i dont know much about dsl... thanks Justin
  21. well its a celery 600 192 ram and 98 runs fine..actually never had a problem with it... i just wanna upgrade to xp for aesthetic issues and bandwidth and more stability.........I donwloaded it off of s1 and im going to burn it, but is there anyway i can install xp on another part of the hard-drive, like a new partition, and keep 98se on their and run dual boot so i can choose? i really dont wanna format and end up not liking XP... please give me your 2cents, id appreciate it! Justin
  22. if you need DJ's for that shoutcast radio, let me know i dj professionally
  23. hmm ok, now i just need a copy :/
  24. do you think my coimptuer could RUN XP good? I dont think it would run that great.... Ill post stats again celeron 600 192 ram 30gb hd all integrated vid/lan/sound
  25. celeron 600 192 mb ram isnt running XP very good....
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