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Everything posted by JustinOhioRR

  1. sweet theme, i wish the start was blue as well though....
  2. Thanks disturbed....... You can actually OC this cpu very easily and its stable......some kid oc'ed his to 2.6GHz w/no problems..... I hate people who think you HAVE to buy Intel to get a good processor.... Do you people know that a Sempron is simply a Athlon rebadged? Most do not know that. Anyways, im building a budget pc that will run me a tad over 200 bucks with shipping......and for what i do, that seems plenty... AMD Sempron 64 800mhz fsb 1.6 ghz speed 128L2cache (not enough), 512 ddr 400 damn i cant wait.
  3. NIC is brand new......cable is brand new, cat 6 wont do a damn thing.
  4. thanks guys.... lewis, i hate celerons.....tahts why im not getting one buddy resopal - I know, this is a budget PC for everyday use, nothign major i am however getting the sempron 64 but have changed my mind on the mobo/case, i found this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16856119004 I knwo it will work with that processor as well.......case/mobo/cpu/512 ddr 3200 all for 205 shipped......that sounds good to me btw, im on a celeron 600 right now......so this will eb fine.....thansk
  5. Damn,, nice... I wish reg RR went over cap that much, im at 5, thats it.....i ONCE in a whiel hit 5.1 or 5.2..... ahh well, your paying $80 a month, not me.
  6. The NIC shuts off if i do that.......
  7. s1. I know this......im building a budget PC that does internet browsing/everyday tasks......no gaming, nothing major........ Will that CPU run on that Motherboard? The mobo say's Socket 754 and so does the CPU, but the CPU say's 800mhz fsb and the mobo only goes to 533......is that REALLY an 800 mhz fsb on the CPU? I thought AMD's didnt run that high.
  8. I am conencted to the internet via RR.......but my task manager only shows 10mbps lan connection...... also, me and dj vagelis were playin aruond and my upload totally sucks........and then later that night i was talkin to reno and i sent him a file and i was uppping at 50K....anyone got any friggin clue? thanks.
  9. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819104252 Is taht actually a 64 bit processor? Will it run on this motherboard? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813185050 HELP!!!!!
  10. Im building a new PC shortly, but don't have the cash for a P4 or 64 as of now........ Do you guys htink anything about these other processors?
  11. For now, it will do me just fine.....i have been running XP Pro SP2 on a celeron 600 like i said, im sure this will do for now........ in any case, iv'e decided to pass up this offer and save mroe money to get what i want.
  12. The thing is.......I DONT GAME OR DO ANY OF THAT!!! Did you see the one abotu MP3 compression and MPG video compression? They are abotu the same......Looks like I'd be moer than happy with a Celeron, the only difference is CACHE anyways....
  13. Im running XP on a celeron 600 with 384, im sure that will run it JUST fine........
  14. You dont have to brag lol.......... Actually I think im gonna get this $119 bundle they have over at TigerDirect 3gig Celeron D 256 ram case ps fans $119 not too bad......
  15. Is that celeron really comparable to a P3 800 or is that guy just an idiot?
  16. all i do is surf the web, make ringtones, and fileshare im not a gamer, the only game i DO play is quake2, will run that JUST fine.....
  17. OOOOOOOOOOO..........and to think, I almost just upgraded my CPU for 100 bucks, f that....... now i gotta go talk to the wifey..........
  18. oh jeez, your in PR.......thats true
  19. I just went to biostar's website and it told me that the most i can run is:
  20. I may just end up going with a faster Celeron..... I cant afford a P3 with a damned 100mhz FSB right now......cheapest i can find is 80 bucks.....
  21. Yeah $80 is way out of my price range........ im lookin ......10-20 lol.....
  22. They wont sell any used parts......tax stuff or something why would it only run 750?
  23. i dont know much about CPU's so i dont know of the 133 would run on a 100 bus....you would think it would......... respolan.....open it up and look
  24. im ok on RAM, running 512.......... lemme know on the processor
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