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Posts posted by 6arett

  1. After the 4-8 months with Verizon the price goes up to $47.99? wow....vierzon seriously is a rip off 50 bucks for 1.5 thats rediculus you can get Comcast cable for $52 and have 6/400 (atleast my neiGBor nextdoor)

  2. I said reconnect, not disconnect lol. Tell me about to many neigbors with Wireless their also pretty illiterate when it comes to it, they have open networks and i find whenever my cell phone is around like sitting next to the usb wireless thing i loose it more often like i just did  a few mins ago...  :icon_scratch:

  3. Did you call microsoft today? If so what happen?

    They gave me some bullshit about needing a Hologram CD (wich I dont have) so I think I might just barrow a friends hologram CD or buy it again. Havent made my mind up yet.

  4. with that firewall i am using it shows it and if you see the statistics chart for last 80 seconds it shows i am getting 9367 KB a second transfer rate which is about 74,936 kb.  if you dont have a firewall look at the task manager and goto network tab and if your network card is set at 100 mb and using 5% its using about 5 mb. get it?


  5. I had the CD for about 6 months without being used Intill I bulit this computer (3 years ago) and installed it myself came in a package with a windows ginuine cd and yellow product key on the back, i dont think everyone would get that....would theyt?

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